Remember when Wikileaks released a bunch of classified documents and the establishment reeled from the threat of transparency? Man, that was sweet. We should do that again.
Seriously, it was so exciting! One could almost feel the system changing with each step as the story unfolded. I miss those days.
What’s that? Wikileaks still has like 200,000 more classified cables to release, plus a whole backlog of dirt on some of the world’s biggest institutions? Nice! It seems more changes are on the way.
Did you also hear about the newly sprouted Wikileaks clones and mirrors? This means the struggle towards democracy and open government has never been stronger. Hooray!
Sure the fickle global spotlight seems to be moving on, but Cablegate is set to be remembered as a pivotal moment – a sign that the balance of power is shifting away from the few and into the hands of more and more people.
Here we go! More evidence to believe that a better world is sitting right upon our doorstep, and another reason to be optimistic for the future =D
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Tags: change, democracy, free, government, open, progress, wikileaks