We Are All Connected

As a great awakening transpires across the entire world, a truth known by some will be revealed to everyone: we are all connected. No human is truly alone. Every single one of us shares inextricable bonds with every other being on the planet.


From a biological perspective, we are all part of the same extended family. All the life we see around us – plants, animals, insects – everything alive stemmed from the same primitive being.

Philosopher Karl Popper frames it quite nicely: “We are all the primordial cell. The first cell is still living after billions of years, and now even in many trillions of copies. Wherever we look, it is there. It has made a garden of our earth and transformed our atmosphere with green plants. And it created our eyes and opened them to the blue sky and the stars. It is doing well.”


From an ecological perspective, our own bodies are extremely interdependent on the world around us. When we breathe, we interchange molecules with the world’s plants. When we eat, energy and atoms from plants and animals become part of our bodies. When we die, our physical selves return to the earth to become part of the next circle of life.

On top of this, every action we take, however miniscule, impacts the world in which we live. A sneeze in a Chinese airport can cause a cold in Brazil. A plastic bottle littered in North America could end up in the stomach of a Japanese sea turtle. An idling vehicle in the UK might magnify flooding in Pakistan.


It’s on the societal level where the most significant transformations – including the aforementioned awakening – are taking place.

The global consciousness, comprised of the world’s interconnected yet independent minds, is opening its eyes for the first time. Soon, as we further our operations as a species on the global scale, we’ll be set free to do incredible things:

  • Our common humanity is being uncovered, and it will soon be apparent how the vast majority of humankind can co-exist without murdering each other.
  • We’ll discover new tools and methods to address global poverty. Then, with our basic needs met, each of us is likely to enjoy a happier planet.
  • New channels of communication will increase awareness of important issues, like the distribution of wealth and the military industrial complex.
  • People power will reign, bolstered by new methods to enforce transparency and ensure democratic governance around the globe.


We already have the means to take control of our world, and make our future everything we want it to be. It’s just a matter of realizing our potential. Like Che Guevara says, “We cannot wait for the apple to fall from the tree. We need to reach up and pluck it!”

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