NATO officially extended their intervention in Libya by another 90 days. Big surprise. What’s next… a person with a hammer decides some nails need to be hit?
Seriously, the war machine will happily stay in Libya for as long as they can. It’s not about about removing a dictator or protecting civilians. The military industrial complex is primarily concerned with prolonging the fighting for as long as possible, so that those sweet, sweet war-profits keep rolling on in.
As long as the US and their allies have enough support, as long as the voice of opposition remains sufficiently quiet, the Libyan campaign will continue unabated, just like Iraq and just like Afghanistan.
The onus lies with the Americans and people of the world to stand up and say “Enough with the wars, already!” For as long as the responsibility is shirked, a peaceful planet will elude us.
Fortunately, standing up to injustice is precisely what the world is starting to do. A great awakening is taking place, and a new, interconnected world is emerging. From our new levels of self-awareness, we’ll see the whole planet as a big family, and we’ll recognized that the wars we fight are only hurting ourselves.
As we approach this day, the collective voice opposing wars will continue to grow louder and louder. Open-ended wars will be closed. Military budgets will be reduced. Peace will continue to prove itself the most practical path for humankind to pursue.