Freedom Flotilla: And Then There Was One

Of the 10 ships in the humanitarian Flotilla bound for Gaza, just one lone ship remains. A French yacht has successfully eluded the Israeli subterfuge which saw the rest of the fleet locked down in port.

The yacht and crew of 16 pro-Palestine protestors are expected to reach Gaza by noon tomorrow, if they aren’t first intercepted by Israel’s security forces.

While one wonders what supplies, if any, could be stored on the luxury ship, they still carry the symbolic struggle of the entire Freedom Flotilla.

Most importantly, the French ship (and the entire Flotilla) have successfully drawn attention to Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine, and to the continued human rights violations perpetuated by the State of Israel.

Good on them! The more these injustices are exposed to the global spotlight, the more pressure will mount from the international community. As sanctions continue to come into place, Israel will have little choice but to capitulate to the rest of the world, and finally cease their apartheid upon the Palestinian people.

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