Well, so much for the truce between Israel and Palestine. I guess it was kind of naive to expect it to last long, especially when the Israeli government benefits so much from the perpetuation of war.
Yesterday, Israel’s airstrikes killed 10 people and wounded 30 others, in response to rockets being launched from within Gaza. The rockets from the Gaza side were likely fired in response to Israel’s continued oppression and abuse of the Palestinian people.
Both sides are equally in the wrong, except for one glaring difference: The rockets originating from the Gaza strip were fired from extremist militants whose actions weren’t sanctioned by the government of Palestine. The airstrikes, on the other hand, came from Israel’s modern military arsenal with the full support of the Israeli government.
To think that bombing your enemies helps your cause is pretty asinine. It’s something that might be expected from uneducated fanatic ideologues, like some of the Gaza militants, but not from the government of one of the most advanced nations in the world.
Take the above video, for example. Israeli intelligence tracked down a militant organization living in the large residential complex. So what do they do – send in an elite commando unit to eliminate the threat? No… they just blow up the whole fucking place, full of men, women and children!
Now what kind of bullshit is that? Are these mass murders supposed to be bringing peace? How can any rational person look at these atrocities and not be outraged?
Then again, one could just as easily say the same for the Israeli side. Don’t they have the same right to feel the same way about being bombed?
Of course they do.
But these feelings – the same ones used by extremists to rationalize acts of terror – should not manifest themselves all the way up into the government. Governments should know better, and Israel is no exception.
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Tags: atrocities, complex, crimes, gaza, industrial, israel, military, palestine, peace, truce, war, zionist