Wall St. Protesters Suing City of New York

Activists from the movement to Occupy Wall Street are striking back against the police state, suing New York City for violating The Constitution while arresting 700 people on the Brooklyn Bridge.  Five of the arrested, representing the entire group, filed a civil rights complaint yesterday in Manhattan federal court, claiming officers from the NYPD lured them onto the bridge’s roadway to trap and imprison them.

Law enforcement are notoriously slippery when it comes to holding them accountable for violating civil rights, especially those of activists. But the litigation might, at least, make police brass think twice before their next unprovoked mass arrests.

Plus anything that fights back against authority (in non-violent ways) is a great thing. There is no one single path to a world without injustice. It will take countless faucets of freedom, each being pried open by humanity’s independent struggles for a brighter future to emerge. This lawsuit, just like the Occupy Protests themselves, are another way to take the power back.

For those of you who don’t know what these demonstrations are about, there is a great struggle taking place all over the world. Our global economy is structured so that a tiny few people – less than 1 percent – control a vastly disproportionate amount of wealth and power. Meanwhile the other 99 percent are left to fight over the scraps, with the bottom 20 percent literally starving to death.

Voting doesn’t change this, as the majority of politicians have been bought by corporations and bankers. Silence doesn’t change this – it only lets the problem grow worse. Therefore, the only solution is revolution, which is what the 99 percent must do to reclaim their lost voice. And it must happen in every city, in every country, everywhere on earth.

This will be an uphill battle all the way, but it is by no means impossible. Sure, security forces will step up their crack down as the uprising gains strength, but that will only draw more to the streets.

It will be a chaotic process, but in the end, the 99 percent will claim control over the planet. A massive redistribution of wealth and power will take place, the industries which perpetuate war will be dismantled, and humankind will be free to chase down new priorities, like building peace and eliminating poverty.

So keep it up, protesters. A more just civilization awaits!

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