Ramping Up the Revolution for 2012

Many a fool have predicted the end of the world in 2012. But you know something? In a way they may be right. The world as we know it – a planet plagued by injustice, inequality, exploitation and corruption – is set to go away forever.

A storm has been brewing for centuries, and now in 2011 we’ve seen the forces finally boiling over. The Arab Spring. The Occupy movement. These unprecedented global solidarity movements show how humankind is starting to fight back against the inherent flaws of the system.

And this is just the beginning.

Consider the ongoing SOPA battle, where millions of people have come together in consolidated protest against Internet censorship. Domain registrar GoDaddy felt the real financial repercussions for going against what the public wants, so much so that other prominent corporations, like Nintendo, EA, and Sony, have all quietly dropped their own support for SOPA.

Or how about Verizon’s slick attempt to sneak in an additional $2 transaction fee. The public outcry from consumers was enough for Verizon to drop their ‘convenience’ tax, showing once again how corporations will actually listen to people when enough money is on the line.

Humankind is stepping up to the battle. Now, at least, we are beginning to stop the corporatist oligarchy from further stripping us of wealth and power. Soon enough, as the pendulum continues to swing in the favor of the people, we’ll go on to reclaim what has been systematically stolen from us for generations to usher in an increasingly just global civilization.

Here’s to even more glorious revolution in 2012!

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