Over 162,000 humans were killed by violence in Iraq from 2003-2011, according to NGO Iraq Body Count (IBC). IBC’s comprehensive analysis of the bloody conflict reveals close to 80% of these fatalities were innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.
What a tragedy. Every single life lost inflicted untold horror upon any loved ones left behind, and when you multiply that by 160,000, the result is a pain too immense to fathom.
Did any good come out of this occupation/slaughter? Depends who you ask.
CEOs from any industry entrenched in the war business could likely boast significant earnings off the prolonged military campaign. No doubt countless military personnel feel an impregnable sense of pride for so bravely serving their country.
As for spreading democracy or making America more secure, well, these were just a few of the myths they sold to the public in order to justify the invasion.
With so much on the line, Americans (and the world) would be served well to reflect a little harder before making the same mistake again. Unless there is an immediate and clear threat, best leave the armies at home and try diplomacy instead.
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Tags: body, complex, count, industrial, iran, iraq, military, war