More Hope Than Ever

When I first started crafting this blog and producing videos, it was because of a deep rooted obligation I felt. The system was broken and there were ways to fix it. If only more people saw what I saw, then the world would actually get better.

Now, things have changed.

I don’t know if it’s that people have awakened, or that they have always been there, feeling disconnected and isolated like I was.  But now I see there are millions upon millions of people just like you and me everywhere around us – people who see the grotesque flaws of an establishment that can actively perpetuate such injustice and inequality for the sole purpose of keeping control in the hands of a tiny group of insatiable people – and know that we can clearly do better than this!

If only the world’s electoral systems weren’t such utter shit. As democracy stands today – voting alone would never be enough to generate the change we need. Fortunately, that’s not our only political channel any more, thanks to the Internet.

The key is transparency. Putting it all up on the web in an easy to understand format. Budgets – let us track every single tax dollar coming in and going out. Cameras – put them on cops and soldiers while they work so we can judge what they do in our name. Politicians – put their private lives in the public, and hold them accountable to the masses, not the money.

Just imagine what would happen if the powers of the NSA were put under control of the public, and all that spying ability was used to keep our billionaires and top leaders in check. Finally, the system would work for us!

We already have the tools for this happen, it is just a matter of applying them correctly. It’s really not that much to ask, and it is the direction we are heading. By continually leveraging our numbers and voices through an unfettered internet against the established powers of old wealth and big business, we will shape the world and our future to where it ought to be.

So that’s why I am so optimistic. More than ever before. We are on the cusp of what could be the most remarkable transformation our species has ever undertaken – a mass redistribution of wealth and power culminating in a world of peace – and we draw closer with every new day.

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One Response to “More Hope Than Ever”

  1. J. says:

    Agree with you the world will change soon and I”ll need your support yet remember do unto others as you would have done to yourself. Lets not do to others what we don’t want done to us. Though you are correct that is what should be done yet we must instead bring upon them the reality of how wrong they are and we can do so in the style of Gandhi, and MLK .I’ll be back in touch so await my email as i don’t have a Facebook account. But I’m going to need your help ok. Thanks will be in touch by summer.