Archive for the ‘Main Blog’ Category
A Roadmap to World Peace
Friday, September 17th, 2021World Peace is NOW Possible!
Sunday, September 5th, 2021A Question about World Peace
Sunday, July 18th, 2021World Peace is Finally Possible?
Wednesday, July 14th, 2021World Peace Project – Debut Event
Tuesday, June 22nd, 2021Hey Everyone, happy to be back!
I am proud to launch a new initiative: – A World Peace Project – where we spread the hopeful message that World Peace is now possible (and we give good reasons why!) Our debut event will be this Friday, June 25 at 3pm CST in AltspaceVR. Event code: TRV351
You can download Altspace, which is a free Microsoft app, from here: (works in VR or Windows PC)
You can preview the beautifully crafted event space (as well as preview our synopsis in the Info Station) using room code DMX681
If you’d like to help with the event or get involved with the project, please reach out to me or join our discord here (
World Peace 2020
Saturday, January 4th, 2020Well, it’s here.
The year I predicted that we’d attain peace on earth.
Damn I hate being wrong. Why hasn’t peace manifested itself yet?
Well, for one, the year isn’t over yet. And thanks to technology, society is advancing far quicker than ever before, so what used to take decades to happen can now happen in just months. Anything is possible, including global revolutions that vastly redistribute wealth and power into the hands of the many.
And really, it was just a guess. Many years ago I said world peace could happen within 100 years. Then, after wrapping my head around the notion of the accelerating rate of technological progress, I tried to extrapolate what that would mean for the evolution of humankind into a globally interconnected species, and I came up with the year 2020, which even back then seemed like a moon shot.
But this hasn’t got me down, Farmer Brown. I’m actually more optimistic than ever before. There has never been a better time than now for world peace (i.e. the dismantling of the military industrial complex) to become a reality.
Why now? What’s different now? Many key factors that I’ve talked about before – a unifying human race (thanks to smart phones connected to internet), the eradication of global poverty (it’s happening!), and an increased awareness of the military industrial complex (and how they manufacture most wars today), are all reaching the tipping point.
On top of this, we now have technologies never before seen, like AI, neural networks, and machine learning, which can do amazing feats, vastly outperforming any human alive in many tasks, like diagnosing cancer or playing video games.
Imagine if we made an AI that could develop a better form of governance for us to use around the world. I’ve long talked about a Global Voting System, now called GVS for lack of a better name, which would be the backbone of an open-source digital democratic system. I’ve said development of such a complex system would need a team of people for it to be successful, but maybe it’s better suited for some finely crafted algorithms to figure out.
Whether or not AI helps design the GVS, it most certainly can help us run it. Sure, it can be scary to think there’s some super-powerful computer program dictating how we live our lives. But the power that AI is bringing is inevitable, and if we don’t leverage this tremendous gift into something that benefits us all, tyrants will seize the opportunity to use AI against us.
So what would this GVS look like? Imagine a benevolent super powerful AI millions of times smarter than any human, operating with clear expectations (like maximizing the quality of every human’s life). Then you give it access to the global surveillance state, (whose tendrils have burrowed into nearly all facets of modern life) so this GVS super AI knows how everyone feels, what we all want, and acts accordingly to create a system of governance that does its best to make it happen.
Don’t go thinking I’m delusional. I don’t expect a GVS as advanced as this to be an option for many years. But that doesn’t mean we can’t start now, working on some kind of protoGVS, trialed on smaller scales. Maybe start with a small city or group, then work up to states and small countries before going big around the world.
To roll out a GVS, we’d need to make a new political party called the Digicrats. The Digicratic Party can operate in a similar way as the crowd-managed pro-sports team called Project Fanchise. In the Fanchise system, paying fans can vote on all kinds of decisions made by a pro football team, like selecting which players to trade to or choosing which plays to make.
The Digicratic party would run alongside existing political parties, but their platform would be decided via the protoGVS by the people who pledge to vote for them. People would vote for a Digicratic candidate because that person, once elected, would be held accountable by the people who got them into power.
In the The Digicratic party platform, transparency and accountability can be baked right into the core. Instead of having politicians who cater mostly to wealthy people and big businesses, we could have elected leaders that are beholdent to the people. And this system would need to be mechanisms to oust and replace anyone in government that didn’t serve their party and people.
All we have to do is figure out a protoGVS model that works somewhat well and form a Digicratic party platform that isn’t too crazy. Then, refine it so it can be replicated anywhere on earth, no matter the language, culture or religious of the people there. Once that happens, there will be nothing stopping us from making it happen.
And it’s not just for those of us living in the lap of luxury in a developed, democratic nation.
All of these oppressed countries living under the thumb of dictatorships… when their collective courage swells and they rise up in revolutions, instead of having a new tyrant take over the power vacuum, instead the new leaders could be Digicrats, swearing to uphold the will of the people and being held to it by a platform the likes of which has never been seen before.
Man, that’s a lot to think about. At this rate, by the time I finish trying to explain myself, 2020 will be freakin over! That’s it! We better get some AI working on this problem, ASAP!
World Peace in less than 2 Years?
Tuesday, January 29th, 2019If you read the main infographic on, it asks if we could achieve World Peace by 2020. Well, now that it’s 2019, that gives us less than 1 year for billions of people to use our new-found technologies to come together in an unprecedented fashion, allowing the emergency of a global democratic society which, among other near miracles, will bring the trillion dollar military industrial complex to its knees.
Wow! That’s a tall order. Well, wait a second. If we can make this happen by the end of 2020, then the infographic we all love will still hold true. Ok, great. So it’s no longer less than 1 year for world peace to manifest itself. Now we have nearly double that! No sweat, right?
So where are we at now?
More than half of the world’s people have smartphones and that number should be at 70% by 2020.
All we need now is an app that can run on all these phones and make our world democratic. What is this app, you say? I don’t really know, I say. It would have to be one hell of an app. Transparent, able to hold leaders accountable. Secure yet open-source. Maybe it uses block chain or smart contracts, maybe it forms some kind of global AI that runs on all our devices. Whatever it is, it will have to come soon.
Our world is so hungry for it! Revolutions keep sprouting up. If France had the app, if Venezuela had the app, if anywhere the people are being stepped on… if they had a democracy app that could be shown to work, they’d probably jump at it.
Once this app works on smaller scales, once the world sees what a truly functioning digicratic system can do, we will come to expect more from our own governments. Then, if the injustices of our systems are not rectified, vive la revolution!
Here’s some projects that show promise:
Are these the ones who will figure it out? Who knows. This app would probably take millions of dollars, need millions of people excited about it, and require an amazing team to design and build it.
So if this app doesn’t come about within 2 years, and we still haven’t come together to put an end to war-profiteering by multi-national corporations, I won’t abandon hope. Instead, I’ll just photoshop the infographic to a later date. Problem solved!
Revolution Everywhere
Monday, January 27th, 2014Mass upheavals have been toppling corrupt rulers all over the world, proving that we the people still have the ultimate power. Unfortunately, whenever the glorious revolution does occur, all too often one evil tyrant will fall only to make way for the next.
What we’ve been missing is a key piece to the puzzle: how do we roll out a functioning democracy over top of an old, broken establishment. Lucky for us, this key to unlocking lasting democracy around the world is in the process of being made right now.
This tool, still embryonic, will be an open-source, upgradable system of people, mechanisms, technology and software that will constantly glean consensus from entire populations to develop better policies and rules of governance. so that we can hold our elected officials to the utmost accountability.
How exactly will this work? That is yet to come, but it will work with the instantaneousness of twitter, the self-governance of forums like reddit, the connectivity of Facebook, while being imbued with selflessness like Wikipedia. Politicians will know what their electorates want, and the people will be involved, knowing their voices are being heard, and watching their leaders respond accordingly.
This democracy-in-a-box will be something that can be implemented anywhere, for any size population – so that when the people rise up against injustice, instead of repeating the old cycle of inevitable hypocrisy, they have this system which can be put into effect and live forever free of tyranny.
It will take a group effort to make this happen, as it will really be a monumental accomplishment to create something of this magnitude. But it’s entirely possible and in many ways has already begun.
Drive-By Politics
Friday, April 5th, 2013This week the US passed an emergency bill to avert the looming threat of sequestration. Tucked away in the 500+ page bill were several last-minute additions, one which dealt a pre-emptive strike against anti-gun legislation, the other – dubbed the Monsanto bill – worked to limit restrictions on GMOs. These secretive laws were penned anonymously from behind closed doors unbeknownst to most of the senators who signed the bill into law.
A handful of politicians/corporate shills sneaking through undesirable laws, hidden by the fog of an urgent bill which was only made into an emergency by the institutionalized ineptitude known as the US political system.
Here in Canada, we face a similar tact by the conservative party. They take all their new laws and roll them up into a giant turd called an omnibus bill. By slow-feeding the media key talking points and ensuring all their party is on board, they get this growing ball rolling, gaining momentum up to the point when the deadline nears. Then, even though people will point out the many pieces of crap legislation being passed through without due discussion, the whole thing is moving with such inertia that no one is able to stop it lest they be covered in shit.
It’s ridiculous. This isn’t democracy. At least not as good as democracy can get. In the age of the Internet and social media, governance could be so much more than it is today. We could have way more transparency. Way more accountability.
The sad part is, every time government makes some baloney move that chips away at our individual freedoms and it goes by without an uproar from we the public, they gain power while we lose it.
And our silence is all the consent they need.
Epidemic of Silence
Sunday, March 31st, 2013Why does it seem like people in positions of power are too scared to speak their minds? Is it the same reason the vast majority of us don’t always stand up for what is right? There are these tremendous tasks ready to be accomplished, yet no one seizes the reigns. Reigns which are just waiting there idle, well within anyone and everyone’s willing grasp.
I speak to these blights on our world which, if we had our shit together as a species, would have been eradicated decades ago. Extreme poverty. Mass starvation. A behemoth industry that profits off the very war it creates. This faux-democracy perpetuated by businesses and their puppets within the political system.
We cannot afford to wait.
Especially when millions of lives are hanging in the balance daily, and the only ingredient missing is enough people willing to take action. We have the resources. We have the know how. But we don’t yet have the get-off-our-assedness enough to breach the threshold.
Take modern warfare, as an example. It is completely unnecessary It serves no purpose, other than charging entire nations billions of dollars to kill a high percentage of our fellow global citizens. We don’t need it in our world to survive. In fact, it’s pretty much the opposite of what our world needs. Yet war, as so often is the case, remains absent from mind and mouths of the mainstream media, politicians, and most importantly – we the people. We know it’s wrong but we haven’t risen to the occasion and stopped it.
And speaking of war, the war on drugs is a proven failure which – thanks to conservative governance – we continue to pursue with greater ferocity than ever. What the hell, people? It’s like in the movies where a boulder or car is barrelling down from behind, and our only inclination is to run faster in the same direction when a step to either side would see our problems end.
The evidence is overwhelming. Making drugs illegal has done nothing to stem the harm they can cause society. If, on the other hand, drug prohibition is a means to institutionalize racism, reinforce poverty, and bolster a militarized domestic police force, then the war on drugs has been a resounding success.
But I digress. My point is that all of these institutionalized mistakes can be readily fixed, if only enough of us were to speak our minds. Just look at Women’s rights and minority rights. It works for them. And right now LGBT rights are at the crux of their struggle for same rights on Facebook and elsewhere. Plus, marijuana legalization is making some great headway. All this happens because a big enough collective of people found ways to share their voice.
It’s not that these injustices went unnoticed for generations. It’s that we regular people have been too scared to campaign against them with enough determination to make change. Only now, when for years just a handful of brave souls would dare to make noise, does the majority hop on board and then make what’s right become integrated into society as a whole.
Still, we have yet to reign in the banks, gain way more accountability over global corporations, clean up the collusion and corruption in the news media, end the war on drugs and then dismantle the whole war machine for good. And… oh yea, I’m gonna need us to go ahead and end world hunger while offering every human, at the very least, the most basic necessities for life. That’d be great.
These goals are quite clear. The sooner we get them done, the better. So what the hell are we waiting for?