Posts Tagged ‘arab’

An Uprising is Imminent

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

Something wonderful is happening everywhere on earth. A people’s uprising is taking place, fueled by millions and millions of people who’ve awakened to see that a better future is entirely possible. Once it reaches fruition, this global social revolution will culminate in a redistribution of wealth and power, essentially liberating humanity from the shackles that far too many of us don’t even know exist.

The medium for this reformation is the online realm, which may soon prove to be the missing ingredient for a lasting freedom on earth.

With the threat of an upheaval looming, the stage is set for a huge struggle for dominance between the bulk of humankind seeking to be free and the system and its leaders desperately clinging to power. Our world’s tiny yet powerful minority (along with their cronies) will do everything they can to prevent their house of cards from toppling.

This means crushing internet freedom using a range of attacks, enhancing the already well-entrenched all-seeing surveillance system, and expanding the increasingly militarized police state, the end goal of which is to trap humans into perpetual servitude by eliminating all means of revolution.

But we wont let that happen now will we?

As long as we can keep our precious internet uncensored, we’ll be able to leverage massive populist sentiment into real political clout. Instantly interconnected social media is fostering what is essentially a real democracy, one that hears all voices and not just those at the top. And when the system caters more to everyone, what we get is a more just global civilization.

The whims and wants of a handful of wealthy tyrants will prove no match for tens or hundreds of millions of engaged individuals working towards a shared goal.

We are, on some level, transcending nationalities and cultures, expanding our own personal identities to include ourselves amongst the global village. One beautiful and amazing side effect of this great awakening will be the eradication of wars. Major armed conflicts will all but evaporate once enough of us see them for what it they really are us fighting ourselves.

With each passing day, what is becoming more evident is that the only enemies left for us to fight are the violent extremists seeking to hurt society and the oligarchs seeking to enslave us, both of which our species will be better positioned to confront the more united and empowered we all become.

Unite Earth’s 99% to Find World Peace

Saturday, January 28th, 2012

When it comes to human organizations, be it a business, a religious institution, or the population of an entire country, what most often develops is a pyramid type structure. The leaders with the most power sit at the top, and then with each step you take down the ladder you get larger groups of people holding a decreasing amount of individual influence.

Within most of the world’s various pyramids there is a power struggle taking place between pretty much everyone involved. But the more disorganized and divided the groups at the bottom, the greater the ability for those at the top dictate what happens to the rest of the population.

These leaders, like every human on earth, are inherently selfish and will inevitably try to sway the system in their own favor, which usually means the rest of us get screwed.

Fortunately, in most places on earth, a peoples uprising has begun. The Occupy movement, the arab spring, the SOPA protests. And its not just the bottom rung getting involved. People from all parts of the pyramid have grown tired of the inherent injustice of the system.

The 99% are uniting, throwing themselves upon the levers of power. As millions upon millions of humans flip the mental switch from passive to engaged, the masses involved will be enough to force the system to function more to everyone’s benefit, and less to just those at the top.

This unification is just awesome, because once the 99% start coming together within individual pyramids, its just a few more steps to uniting the world’s 99%. And when that happens, we won’t have major armed conflicts on earth anymore. I’m talking about World peace, and it could be here within the decade!

See, war happens when leaders of one pyramid pit their own 99% against another leader’s 99%. So what ends up happening is two groups people who are pretty much the same end up fighting and killing each other when they could just as easily coexist peacefully.

Yet only with the vantage point to see war this way will we do away with it forever. And this is exactly what the Internet is giving us. Never before have we been more connected, and social cohesion around the globe will only tighten. We are awakening to see we really are one people, and that allowing our governments to wage war only worsens the world in which we all live.

Just keep uniting the world’s 99%. Together, we’ll have the power to stop the 1% who’ve been hurting the rest of us.

Ramping Up the Revolution for 2012

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Many a fool have predicted the end of the world in 2012. But you know something? In a way they may be right. The world as we know it – a planet plagued by injustice, inequality, exploitation and corruption – is set to go away forever.

A storm has been brewing for centuries, and now in 2011 we’ve seen the forces finally boiling over. The Arab Spring. The Occupy movement. These unprecedented global solidarity movements show how humankind is starting to fight back against the inherent flaws of the system.

And this is just the beginning.

Consider the ongoing SOPA battle, where millions of people have come together in consolidated protest against Internet censorship. Domain registrar GoDaddy felt the real financial repercussions for going against what the public wants, so much so that other prominent corporations, like Nintendo, EA, and Sony, have all quietly dropped their own support for SOPA.

Or how about Verizon’s slick attempt to sneak in an additional $2 transaction fee. The public outcry from consumers was enough for Verizon to drop their ‘convenience’ tax, showing once again how corporations will actually listen to people when enough money is on the line.

Humankind is stepping up to the battle. Now, at least, we are beginning to stop the corporatist oligarchy from further stripping us of wealth and power. Soon enough, as the pendulum continues to swing in the favor of the people, we’ll go on to reclaim what has been systematically stolen from us for generations to usher in an increasingly just global civilization.

Here’s to even more glorious revolution in 2012!

Women March in Cairo

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

“Drag me, strip me! “My brothers’ blood will cover me!” “The girls of Egypt are here!” These are a few of the angry cries heard on the streets of Cairo today, as thousands of female activists took part in what may have been the biggest female demonstration in Egypt’s history.

Recent images showing soldiers beating, stripping and kicking a female demonstrator provoked the ire of the matriarchal mass, sparking the first female-led demonstration to come to fruition since February’s successful ousting of President Mubarak.

The protest clearly had an effect, as Egypt’s ruling military council quickly offered up an apology.

“The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces expresses its utmost sorrow for the great women of Egypt, for the violations that took place during the recent events,” the council said in a statement. “It stresses its great appreciation for the women of Egypt and for their right to protest and to actively, positively participate in political life on the path of democratic transition.”

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was shocked by the recent events.

“Women are being beaten and humiliated in the same streets where they risked their lives for the revolution only a few short months ago,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Women are being attacked, stripped, and beaten in the streets. This systematic degradation of Egyptian women disgraces the state and its uniform.”

14 civilians have been killed this week, and over 700 more were injured in clashes with Egyptian military – a fact making the bravery exemplified by these empowered women all the more noteworthy.

Bahrain Still Brutal

Saturday, December 17th, 2011

Pay close attention to what is going on right now in Bahrain (seen above), because what is happening there can happen anywhere.

Don’t kid yourself. Disgusting scenes of heavily armed security forces severely beating protesters and blatantly abusing their authority could very well spring up in our own backyards, should we simply neglect our duty to protect our precious freedom.

Democracy doesn’t happen on it’s own. It takes concerted effort by an educated, empowered and engaged population. When the people get too lazy, ignorant, distracted, or fearful, it leaves the door open for outside entities (like corporations and special interests) to discretely strip the public of their power, step by step.

Embrace your responsibility as a co-creator of a new, more just global civilization. Join the millions of people who’ve already flipped the script from passive to active, from observer to player. Be part of the change this planet needs – we can’t do it without you!

The Revolution Hits Russia

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Well, it’s official. The great awakening – the process by which the world’s people will come together as one to reclaim control of the planet – has successfully touched down in the great Mother Russia. Fifty thousand people were out in the streets protesting, and this only the starting point.

In honor of the Russian people embracing their roles as co-creators of an emerging global village, here’s a tribute to their impressive 140% voter turnout. Na Zdorovie, comrades!


What Populist Success Looks Like in Bahrain

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Score one for the people’s movement. Bahraini medics who’ve been handed down very long prison sentences for the outlandish crime of providing help to injured activists have been promised a full retrial by Bahrain’s government.

That’s what success looks like when you live under a corrupt dictatorship.

Sure, the rulers won’t share any of their great fortune with the rest of the population. And anyone trapped in poverty could be shot for voicing their deserved discontent. But maybe, just maybe, should a physician dare treat one of these injured protesters, they won’t be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

It’s easy to dismiss the plight of the people of Bahrain, or anyone else living under an authoritarian state, as something happening to someone else. But we should instead pay close attention, because if it can happen there, it can happen anywhere. No population is safe from the problems which arise when too much power concentrates into too few hands.

The only way to counter this is for the people who are getting screwed by the system to get their voices heard. Government goes to whoever shows up, and if average citizens don’t take action, they’ll get shafted by big business and special interests.

Thankfully, the momentum is shifting back into the hands of the people. Finally! The Internet is continuously bringing us to unprecedented levels of cooperation and interconnection. Mass movements are springing up everywhere around the globe.

The whole world is waking up, ready for something new. Ready for the days when injustices – like those happening to the Bahraini people – will be utterly squashed by the giant blob of anger and disgust which arises when tens of millions of discontent humans all speak out in unison.

Tunisians Take to the Polls

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Less than year ago, Tunisians shocked the world when their successful revolution helped spark the Arab Spring. Now, once again, Tunisia is a beacon of hope for the Arab World and beyond, as the fledgling democracy is set to have its first elections this Sunday.

For many Tunisians, this will be the first time casting a vote. For others, it will be the first time the ballots have more than one person to choose from. How exciting and empowering it must feel to be a young Tunisian right now, filled with hopes and dreams!

Other nations involved in the Arab Spring haven’t fared as well. The people of Egypt, who ousted their corrupt President not long after the Tunisians did, are still struggling to keep military tyrants from seizing control. In Yemen and Syria, protesters are continually butchered by government forces.

Were it not for the Tunisians’ story, one might be inclined to just shut up and endure the injustice. But, seeing how a populist uprising really can work, this should only inspire more repressed peoples from around the world to take up the same struggle for greater equality.

And this is precisely what needs to happen to ensure we reach this great civilization of peace and prosperity that awaits us all – billions of empowered minds from around the world rising up and uniting to make a better future a reality – something that will soon be upon us. Hooray!

Highlights from the Uprising

Tuesday, October 18th, 2011

As you can see, the whole world is waking up. The era of exploitation will soon be at an end.

Here’s a video demonstrating an effective way for security forces to diffuse a tense situation – back up a few feet!


And here is former Marine Sgt Shamar Thomas letting his voice be heard (while intimidating about 30 police officers):

There’s no turning back now. Even if these latest protests do – fate forbid – fizzle away, the lulls will only be temporary.

The movement will keep growing stronger and louder for as long as the root problems remain unaddressed. And that won’t happen until the 99% shake up the establishment and strip away much of the wealth and power from the tiny few who presently control it.

Millions Already Awake, Many More to Come

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

Across the globe millions of protesters have been taking to the streets, rallying against social injustice and economic inequalities. And this is only the beginning.

The Occupy movement is like the uprising in Egypt, as per this pic:

Right now, the movement is still in its infancy. Somewhat spurious and chaotic, the demonstrators have already done an excellent job of getting a refined anti-corporate message to the media.

But given more time, hundreds of millions of discontent people from all around the world will be part of this movement. Together, this collective dissenting energy will be channeled into positive policy reform around the planet.

With no precedence, it’s hard to tell just how long this global revolution will take to materialize. But, given how quickly things can go viral in this interconnected age, a few short years can make all the difference between a world of exploitation and a peaceful planet of shared prosperity.