Posts Tagged ‘avatar’

Human Immortality Coming Soon!

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Who wants to live forever? Who doesn’t??? Maybe you’re one of those people who’d still like to be able to die… but what if you didn’t have to worry about kicking it until you’ve crossed off everything on your bucket list. And for the rest of us, why not live forever? Sure beats croaking like a mortal.

You’d be around long enough to explore our entire universe, but why stop there. Computer game makers are already giving us vast, alternate universes to play around in and there’s always more to come. Imagine when we have incredibly lifelike computer simulations, accessible in our own dwellings, indistinguishable from actual reality. Yes!!! I’ve always wanted my own Holodeck.

That humans will transcend biology is an accepted notion amongst many futurists, like Aubrey du Gray and Ray Kurzweil, who’ve long seen the fountain of immortality approaching. And now, a leading team of Russian scientists predict that the tools to extend our lives indefinitely will be upon us in about 30 years.

Yes!!! I love to hear it! Such brazen optimism is exactly what our world needs more of.

For a while now I’ve been preaching about the coming human revolution, where we rise up as a species to restructure our world’s economy and power structure. And one by-product of this great upheaval will be the end of institutionalized warfare, meaning we finally find world peace. Plus, to top it all off, I believe humankind’s most monumental achievement – this impending insurrection – is due to happen within a decade or two!

So it’s always nice to see when other people – scientifically minded industry leaders – also agree that good things will continue to happen for us on a planetary scale.