Posts Tagged ‘bias’

Israel is Threat to World Peace – But Don’t Dare Say It!

Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

What must be said“, the short poem by Nobel Laureate Guenter Grass, does something few people in the mainstream Western world ever do: speak critically about the State of Israel.

Israel is a “threat to world peace”, writes Grass, whose poem highlights the hypocrisy of the West for condemning Iran’s search for nuclear power while simultaneously allowing Israel to proliferate it’s own nuclear capabilities. (more…)

First Class Security Theater

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

If you live in the United States and you travel by air,  you are familiar with the TSA. Yes, the notorious Transportation Security Administration, renown for hiring sexual deviant employees to molest children  while their easily bypassed, radiation spewing body scanners preferentially select hot women, has reached a whole new level of greasiness.

So what are they up to, you ask? Why, creating a caste system for airport security! Now CEOs, celebrities, politicians and other mucky-mucks won’t have to settle for simple first class seating. Instead, they can also snub their noses at the masses while cruising past screening lines with their first class security clearance. (more…)

Walmart Women Woeful

Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

Saving women from repression by patriarchal Islamic extremists was one of the rationales used to justify the US-led military campaign across the Middle East. Of course this is a lie, since the wars are really about money, power and control of resources, but the stated goal of empowering ladies sure has a nice ring to it.

A recent US Supreme Court ruling shows just how much the United States establishment really cares about gender equality.

In a class action suit against the world’s biggest corporation – Walmart – compensation was sought for the disproportionately lower wages earned by women as compared to their male counterparts. The suit was dismissed on the grounds that female Walmart employees, as a group, lack the necessities to be deemed a class.

American war rhetoric is about spreading liberty and freedom, but if they can’t get a functioning democracy at home, then what exactly can they hope to export?