Posts Tagged ‘bomb’

First Class Security Theater

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

If you live in the United States and you travel by air,  you are familiar with the TSA. Yes, the notorious Transportation Security Administration, renown for hiring sexual deviant employees to molest children  while their easily bypassed, radiation spewing body scanners preferentially select hot women, has reached a whole new level of greasiness.

So what are they up to, you ask? Why, creating a caste system for airport security! Now CEOs, celebrities, politicians and other mucky-mucks won’t have to settle for simple first class seating. Instead, they can also snub their noses at the masses while cruising past screening lines with their first class security clearance. (more…)

US-NATO Perpetrated Extensive War Crimes in Libya

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The invasion of Libya and murder of Gaddafi has been touted by many as the future of warfare. Why use expensive invasions and occupations when you can just drop bombs from the safety of the sky?

Well, the war may be fought by-proxy with jets and remote controlled drones, but the same atrocities remain, even if they happen to be further out of sight. There is no such thing as a clean war.

Confirming this is an in-depth report released by several Middle East Human Rights groups, presenting extensive evidence of war crimes carried out in Libya by the United States and NATO. The coalition stands accused of targeting civilian sites, including schools, government buildings, food warehouses, and private homes.

The report also shows evidence of systematic murder, torture, expulsion and abuse of suspected Gaddafi loyalists by the NATO-backed “rebel” forces of the National Transitional Council (NTC). It describes the forced expulsion of the mostly black-skinned peoples and the ongoing persecution of sub-Saharan migrant workers by forces allied to the NTC and its transitional government.

Investigators also discovered evidence of savage and repeated beatings of prisoners held without trial or charges, the summary execution of pro-Gaddafi fighters, along with witness reports of “indiscriminate and retaliatory murders, including the ‘slaughter’ (i.e., throat slitting) of former combatants.”

What’s that you say? America and NATO shouldn’t be held liable for what the rebels were doing? Of course they should! US-NATO gave the rebels carte blanche, and are therefore just as culpable for the heinous acts committed under their wing.

The lie we were sold, and what the UN mandated, was an operation to protect civilians. But, as estimated by the NTC themselves, the war took 50,000 lives and injured another 50,000 people. And now, with escalating infighting between rival NTC factions, the door is open for full-scale civil war across Libya.

So much for improving security. The only thing US and NATO secured in Libya is control over its natural resources, which were divvied up long before Gaddafi was dragged out of a hole and shot.

Don’t be fooled again. The next time the United States or NATO want to ‘help’ some other nation for whatever cockamamie reason they come up with, rest assured that unspeakable atrocities will be committed for the true motive behind war – furthering corporate interests around the globe.

Gaddafi’s Gone

Thursday, October 20th, 2011

(You don’t have to go gently into that good night, but you do have to go.)

Libya’s evil tyrant Muammar al-Gaddafi is dead, killed by a mob of angry Libyans after his convoy was demolished by NATO bombs.

A milestone achievement. A clear sign the troops can come back home. A chance for the Libyans to begin a better life. They could certainly use a democracy-in-a-box right now.

But let’s be clear about one thing:

The death of Gaddafi and the Libyan intervention were NOT part of the Arab Spring.

The fall of Libya’s repressive regime came via western powers – Canada, US, France – who divvied up the spoils of war well before Gaddafi was killed.

And therein lies the problem, and why Libya’s revolution differs from the rest of the uprisings.  You simply cannot bomb freedom into a society. It just doesn’t work that way.

An open and free society has to spawn within, from an organic movement driven by the very masses whose voices are neglected by tyrants. Otherwise you could just end up swapping one corrupt government for another.

This great awakening we’ve all be taking part of – that which will bring peace and prosperity to our planet – it won’t come from bombs, guns and killing. Instead, it will arise from hope, community, and a shared belief in brighter possibilities.

While I wish nothing but the best for Libyans in this time of transition, with their new found ‘freedom’ being bought and paid for by outside interests, whatever democracy emerges will likely contain the same corporatist corruption faced here in the West.

US Drones Kill At Least 160 Pakistani Children – Report

Monday, August 15th, 2011

A damning report released this week from the UK’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism highlights another blight on America’s foreign policy. Since 2004, United States drone attacks over Pakistan have killed 2,292 people, including at least 160 children.

Ugh! That is so deplorable! How can anyone whose ‘side’ does something like that still feel like they’re the good guys?

How? Probably with some kind of rationalization techniques like this: ‘Mumble, mumble… gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Grumble, grumble… it’s the cost of our freedom.  Grumble, mumble… America, FUCK YEAH!

Well, probably not quite like that. But whatever mental and ethical tap dancing it takes for someone to somehow justify these deaths, you can be assured that it’s still being done right now.

Since President Obama has taken office, there has been 236 strikes on Pakistan. This means the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is ultimately responsible for snuffing out Pakistani lives at the press of a button once every four days!

Good on the report’s authors for helping to blow the lid on this covert war. The more the world becomes aware of these ongoing atrocities, the sooner humankind will be able to move beyond this shameful period in our history.