Posts Tagged ‘covid’

From World Pandemic to World Peace

Friday, March 27th, 2020

It has been really uplifting to see humankind coming together as we never have before. Good job, people! Keep it up!

If there is anything to take away from this global event, it’s just how minor this pandemic will turn out to be in the bigger scale of things.

Now, I’m not trying to downplay the severity of this outbreak. It has already been devastating and millions more could potentially die. Workers on the frontline of this disease will likely bear life-long effects.

But there are so many worse things that can happen. We could be wiped out entirely by any one of the horrible things that have threatened us for eons – things like asteroids or super-volcanos. And now there’s all the new ways that we are coming up with to annihilate ourselves – things like gene editing, robotics, AI, and nanotech.

Again, don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to say we should be glad or grateful for Covid-19. Rather, my point is that this is just a wake-up call. There is some far crazier shit coming down the pipeline, some of which we can barely comprehend.

Let’s keep working together as we have been to survive this crisis. Afterwards, we can use the momentum to do something even greater – we could create a tech-enabled open-source global democracy, redistribute the world’s power and wealth, and even dismantle the world’s military industrial complex.

Our best chance, our highest odds of survival, comes from uniting as a species to overcome whatever stands in our way.