Posts Tagged ‘drought’

Horn of Africa – Where’s the Hope?

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

The area straddling Somalia, Ethiopia and northern Kenya, has been dubbed the “triangle of death” as the worst drought in more than fifty years grips the area. And the stories coming out of there are entirely heart-wrenching.

So where’s the positive spin? Where’s the silver lining?

Well, for the hundreds of thousands of people who could very well starve to death, I don’t see anything uplifting. But in the bigger picture, there is some hope to be garnered.

For one, it’s great to see a world still willing to come together and help. On Monday, the U.N. World Food Program announced a plan to airlift food aid into Somalia, and the United Nations has raised $1 billion to address the issue.

But most inspiring is the knowledge that days of starvation and famine on earth will soon be obsolete.

Science and technology are moving forward through leaps and bounds, faster than ever before, and will soon provide us with the means to meet the basic needs of every single human.

So, while it can suck to live in a world where mass starvation exists, we can at least take comfort in the thought that things won’t always be like this.