Posts Tagged ‘economic’

Pres. of Europe’s Central Bank Alludes to Impending Global Uprising

Monday, August 29th, 2011

A great uprising approaches. The world’s poor and middle class are set to gang up and overthrow the wealthiest in a sort of peasant revolution that spans the globe.

The income gap between the rich and the poor is now the widest ever in modern history, meaning the cause for dissent is greater than it has ever been before.

This notion was echoed by the president of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, who says an unjust distribution of wealth is a threat to the stability of societies.

“Extremes of income inequality and restricted opportunity challenge our values and strain the fabric of our societies,” Mr. Trichet said at a Central Bankers Conference in Wyoming, “Growth skewed towards the few (or absent for a large minority) risks social tensions, undermines institutions and encourages policy failures of one kind or another.”

So as long as the income gap keeps growing, earth’s societies will continue to destabilize. As people everywhere continue to smarten up about the world’s horribly distorted economic system, eventually the dam will burst and something will be done. United behind common goals, humankind will rise up together, making the necessary changes to ensure these injustices can no longer persist.

An amazing side effect from this great upheaval will be the dismantling of any entities responsible for dividing the human race, namely, the military industrial complex. That’s right – war is going to be phased out as we systematically recognize how the real enemies aren’t people from other countries or religious groups, but rather, those who seek to exploit billions of people to generate billions in net worth for themselves.

Sweet! Peace and prosperity. What are we waiting for?