Posts Tagged ‘green’

Africa: From Food Scarcity to Surplus

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

When we in the West think of sub-Saharan African, images of drought ridden crops and large, starving families can often spring to mind. Yet, contrary to our many misconceptions, Africa is set to become a key producer helping to feed our starving planet. (more…)

Wind Power Undercuts Gas

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Humans have been careening towards an energy threshold, and it won’t be long until we hit it.

No, I’m not talking about peak oil, although a dwindling supply of the oily crude does play a factor. What I am talking about is the energy parity barrier – the point where renewable energy surpasses fossil fuels for cost and reliability.

The fact that this day will soon be upon us is no more evident than in Brazil, where wind farm operators outbid the competition, including natural gas, to win 78 of the 92 energy auctions.

This is just awesome to see! As long as these trends keep up, affordable energy solutions will soon be within reach for every single human on earth, dramatically raising standard of living across the world!

With our basic needs met, we’ll find it much easier to co-exist without all the senseless killing. We really are on the brink of world peace!