Posts Tagged ‘hillary’

Update on Judge William Adams

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

Remember when the video leaked showing Texas Family Law Judge William Adams’ brutal beating of his sixteen year old daughter? Well, I sure hope you do, cuz it just freakin happened less than a day ago!

Since the story broke, Judge Adams has disconnected his cell and office phones. His home has been inundated with unordered pizzas.  The “Don’t Re-elect Judge Adams” Facebook page now has over 5000 members, and authorities are now looking into the case.

William Adams has admitted guilt and issued an apology.

Hillary Adams explained her reasoning for the release to a local news station, saying ““My father’s harassment was getting really bad, so I decided to finally publish the video that I had been sitting on for 7 years.”

Good for you, Hillary. You’re showing the whole world how to destroy injustice.

Hillary Clinton OKs Attack on Humanitarian Flotilla

Saturday, June 25th, 2011

When it comes to attacking the humanitarian flotilla bound for Gaza, it’s green lights go, says US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Here’s what Clinton said in remarks at the State Department on 23 June:

We think that it’s not helpful for there to be flotillas that try to provoke actions by entering into Israeli waters and creating a situation in which the Israelis have the right to defend themselves.

Of course, few nations consider Gaza or its waters to be sovereign Israeli territory, not that it would stop the Israeli Defense Force. Last May, the IDF attacked a similar Gaza-bound flotilla in INTERNATIONAL WATERS, killing 9 activists and imprisoning hundreds more.

Apparently, it’s an act of war just to try and help the people being held captive by the State of Israel. So, regardless of whether or not the freedom flotilla enters Israeli space, they’re likely to meet with heavy resistance.

Best of luck to these brave freedom fighters. Here’s hoping for no casualties and that the world hears of their courage.