If you read the main infographic on WorldPeaceisComing.com, it asks if we could achieve World Peace by 2020. Well, now that it’s 2019, that gives us less than 1 year for billions of people to use our new-found technologies to come together in an unprecedented fashion, allowing the emergency of a global democratic society which, among other near miracles, will bring the trillion dollar military industrial complex to its knees.
Wow! That’s a tall order. Well, wait a second. If we can make this happen by the end of 2020, then the infographic we all love will still hold true. Ok, great. So it’s no longer less than 1 year for world peace to manifest itself. Now we have nearly double that! No sweat, right?
So where are we at now?
More than half of the world’s people have smartphones and that number should be at 70% by 2020.
All we need now is an app that can run on all these phones and make our world democratic. What is this app, you say? I don’t really know, I say. It would have to be one hell of an app. Transparent, able to hold leaders accountable. Secure yet open-source. Maybe it uses block chain or smart contracts, maybe it forms some kind of global AI that runs on all our devices. Whatever it is, it will have to come soon.
Our world is so hungry for it! Revolutions keep sprouting up. If France had the app, if Venezuela had the app, if anywhere the people are being stepped on… if they had a democracy app that could be shown to work, they’d probably jump at it.
Once this app works on smaller scales, once the world sees what a truly functioning digicratic system can do, we will come to expect more from our own governments. Then, if the injustices of our systems are not rectified, vive la revolution!
Here’s some projects that show promise:
Are these the ones who will figure it out? Who knows. This app would probably take millions of dollars, need millions of people excited about it, and require an amazing team to design and build it.
So if this app doesn’t come about within 2 years, and we still haven’t come together to put an end to war-profiteering by multi-national corporations, I won’t abandon hope. Instead, I’ll just photoshop the infographic to a later date. Problem solved!