Posts Tagged ‘mic’

From World Pandemic to World Peace

Friday, March 27th, 2020

It has been really uplifting to see humankind coming together as we never have before. Good job, people! Keep it up!

If there is anything to take away from this global event, it’s just how minor this pandemic will turn out to be in the bigger scale of things.

Now, I’m not trying to downplay the severity of this outbreak. It has already been devastating and millions more could potentially die. Workers on the frontline of this disease will likely bear life-long effects.

But there are so many worse things that can happen. We could be wiped out entirely by any one of the horrible things that have threatened us for eons – things like asteroids or super-volcanos. And now there’s all the new ways that we are coming up with to annihilate ourselves – things like gene editing, robotics, AI, and nanotech.

Again, don’t get me wrong. I’m not trying to say we should be glad or grateful for Covid-19. Rather, my point is that this is just a wake-up call. There is some far crazier shit coming down the pipeline, some of which we can barely comprehend.

Let’s keep working together as we have been to survive this crisis. Afterwards, we can use the momentum to do something even greater – we could create a tech-enabled open-source global democracy, redistribute the world’s power and wealth, and even dismantle the world’s military industrial complex.

Our best chance, our highest odds of survival, comes from uniting as a species to overcome whatever stands in our way.

Why Aren’t Americans Ending War?

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Americans spend trillions of dollars on warfare every single year. This is an absurd amount of money to spend on anything, let alone using it to blow up your fellow humans on an industrialized scale. With that kind of cash, you could end extreme poverty the world over, give every person a home and an education, and dramatically lift the tide which raises all ships.

Ask the average person in America, and they would tell you they want the fighting to stop. The barely-adult people sent overseas to kill or be killed would sure as shit rather be home with their families and friends. And the people in Yemen and Pakistan? I imagine they could stand fewer innocents being killed by drone assassination.

The financial costs are an incredible burden, and the emotional scars would take generations to heal even if war ended this very second. The longer these large scale conflicts get prolonged, the worse off our entire world is.

So why aren’t Americans ending war? If the US people, much like the rest of us, just want to live and prosper in peace, why don’t their politicians listen to them and give them what they want?

The sad truth is that they can’t.

The entire American system has, to the detriment of the world, fallen victim to what can only be described as a parasitic entity, a beast that has been around in one form or another for thousands of years.

Whether through anesthetizing concepts like pride and security, the unfettered power of wealth, or, when all else fails, brute force, the war machine of which I speak has been able to keep countless populations within their grasp – and right now their prey is the American public.

In the United States, mainstream newsanchors all dance around the issue ending war, and ‘radical’ concepts like bringing home the troops rarely arise. Politicians are no better, for they too are in the pockets of the military industry, as made evident by a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who intentionally escalates wars around the world.

So even when the vast majority of Americans want peace, a political system which is mostly theatre combined with a deliberate lack of guidance from the media makes it hard for the anti-war movement to gain the momentum needed to make a significant impact.

But peace-loving Americans won’t stay down for much longer. They simply cannot. Fueled by a crumbling economy, driven by global awareness, and united by social media, a multi-million person strong movement will prove more powerful than the entire military industrial complex. Or so we shall hope.

The world is changing faster than even those who sit atop can control. Unprecedented technology is causing new concepts like transparency and global solidarity to crash down on our world. As the old guard falls away, a newfound democracy is sure to bring to fruition the civilization our species has been cultivating for eons.

Corporate Armies

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

The Military Industrial Complex(MIC) , aka the war-machine, is an entity made up of the “defense” industry, the government, the media, and the armed forces to ensure that institutionalized warfare is perpetuated as much as possible around the world.

Fueled by our fears and our lust for violence… allowed to persist because of the propaganda too many people swallow – freedom, liberty, democracy, honor… driven forward by the trillions in profit to be made… the MIC can be considered a primary force responsible for most of the war we have in our world, because it enables it.  Without this entity to profit off violence and death, wars would not exist to the degree we see in our world.

There has been a trend becoming more evident in the past decade… privatized armies.  Mercenaries -Soldiers of Fortune like those of the notorious BlackWater – are being called on to take on more and more significant roles in armed conflicts.

For centuries, governments have been an important pillar in the MIC, but they are becoming less and less important.  Corporations have been skipping whole ‘Uncle Sam Needs You’ spiel, instead just recruiting their own armies.

For example, The Shell company relies on a hired army to protect their oil interests in Africa.  This army has been repeatedly accused of human rights violations… settling a recent case for over $15 million.

This trend will continue as corporations grow in power.  Eventually corporations will have their own armies, large enough to rival those of entire countries.  If and when this happens, these armies will simply follow orders, not bound by any rules or laws other than what the corporation sets forth.  Combine this notion with the forthcoming advent of robotic soldiers, and we can see a stark wake-up call…


Luckily, we are fast approaching the day when institutionalized war will end on earth.  Humankind is becoming empowered – individuals all around the world are becoming empowered – thanks to new technology and other developments.  We are uniting on a scale never before seen, and this will allow us to make our world what we want it to be.

The power of solidarity we are gaining will allow us to dismantle the Military Industrial Complex, striking a huge blow to the forces perpetuating war in our world.  Peace will become the dominant force in our world.

Be sure to visit us often to find out more reasons why peace is coming.