Posts Tagged ‘Morocco’

More Protests Inbound

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Oppressive oligarchies will continue to crumble as more countries have penciled in their own ‘Days of Anger’:

  • Syria Feb. 5
  • Algeria Feb 12
  • Bahrain on Feb 14
  • Libya Feb 30
  • Morocco Mar 13

Tunisia, Yemen, and Jordan have already seen some fruits from their demonstrations. As more countries’ corrupt regimes topple, fresh energy will be added the already volatile spirits of an oppressed people.

This is probably why Egypt’s Mubarak keeps hanging on, even though he’s been told by millions he should step down. He’s wants to quit. His billions are  surely safe offshore somewhere. Mubarak should just go already.

Despite his claims of staying to prevent the chaos that would erupt in his absence, Mubarak’s reluctance to retire likely stems the intense pressure coming from those who want to see the Egyptian civil uprisings get squashed. When Egypt falls, it will lean heavily into the impending domino effect, leading to a dramatic shift in the balance of power.

No longer will the people be afraid of the government. Now, governments will be held accountable to the people, and this is precisely what authoritarian regimes don’t want to happen.

The Revolution Will Be Blogged

Friday, January 28th, 2011

The  president of Egypt has fired his regime. There, that should appease the millions of discontent Egyptians. (<—- sarcasm)

Wikileaks released cables about Egypt. Another argument as to why Assange should release all the leaks to crowdsourcing – the world needs those documents and others like them.

Anonymous has been mass-faxing these leaked cables to fax machines all over Egypt, circumventing the nation’s Internet blackout. How uplifting it must be for the Egyptians to know how much the world supports their cause.

Jordan has added themselves to the list of nations actively working to oust their corrupt governments. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco being the others. Awesome stuff! Fight your freedoms, people!