Posts Tagged ‘oneness’

Oneness as a Path to Peace

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

By Guest Contributor Lexi Soulios

It used to be much easier for humans to see ourselves as independent, isolated, and separate. Now with modern technology like the Internet and recent scientific discoveries in the field of quantum physics, for example, it’s near impossible to live in the delusion that we are alone, unaffected by the plights and actions of others, or that our own behavior has no impact on the world around us.

For those of us who truly long for peace on earth, we need to begin actively living the realization of Oneness – of interconnection with everyone and everything – in our lives. This is the only way we can transcend the greed, violence and fear that arise naturally from the belief in separation and that have pervaded our planet.

We can start living the realization of Oneness by making it an absolute priority to cultivate peace in our own hearts and minds, to think and act in ways that increase the sense of love and harmony in our homes, families, communities and workplaces. This is so important because not only does it give us a stable base from which to interact with others, but when our own lives are peace-filled, we positively influence the vibrations of the larger world beyond us.

Additionally, if we truly want to create a peaceful existence on this planet, we must aim for peace beyond just our generation. We need to make a legacy of peace our goal, so that our political and economic systems are set up in such a way that peace will continue for our children, our grandchildren and beyond.

In order to do this, no one can be left behind. We are all connected. If the children of one country are starving, dying of preventable diseases and lacking basic education, there will be unrest in the minds and hearts of us all.

Lasting peace requires us all to stand together. It requires us to take responsibility for our own well being and our own capacity to feel compassion for others. Lasting peace requires us to expand our viewpoint from that of a separated, isolated individual to that of a beingness which is inextricably woven into the large, mysterious, glorious whole.


Lexi Soulios is outreach coordinator for the Universal Flag Peace Movement. The Universal Flag Peace Movement is based on the principle that an erroneous belief in separation is at the root of all violence and greed. When we remember that we are all connected, peace will naturally result.

The symbol of our movement is the Universal Flag. The organization strives to raise consciousness through media, social networking, education and various programs in order to help people remember Oneness for themselves. Learn more at:

Embracing a Global Village Paradigm

Wednesday, February 24th, 2010

As we move forward into a new age of world peace, where cooperation takes precedence over conflict, a small yet significant change will take place in the psyches of many people on earth. This change will be in our own personal identity… in the way that we perceive our role in the world.

Being part of One World, the Global Tribe, the World’s Community, means we’ve undergone an expansion to our own identity. We now view our selves as members of the Global Village. We see ourselves as part of the human species, one with all others sharing this giant ball of matter as it hurls through space.

As we grow to accept this global paradigm, being one of the world’s people becomes one more notch in our own personal identity. Along with all the other ways we may identify ourselves – our music taste, our hobbies, our sports interests or favorite sports teams, our heritage, our nationality, our fashion style, our occupation, our education – we also recognize the fact that we are human from planet earth.

While it is just a small step, just one more way of looking at ourselves, it has huge ramifications for our world. As we expand our identity to include being a member of the global village, something remarkable happens: every other human on earth inherently becomes, on some level, part of our own group, part of our own extended family, part of us. So, these people who were once strangers, who were once part of the “Out-group”, part of “them”, “they”, “the outsiders”, now shifts to be part of the “in-group”, part of “us”, “we”, our side.

Now, this doesn’t mean we need to immediately sacrifice ourselves for our new extended family, or really change our behavior dramatically. But what does happen is that number of outside threats, the number of enemies in the world, suddenly drops dramatically. The world isn’t so scary, anymore, as our common humanity reveals itself.

This way, we can move forward into a new age, building trust, building channels of communication, building stronger and larger communities… all of which will be instrumental in the formation of a world of peace.

If you are interested in learning more about the shift to a global village mentality, please look into the fine work of the Global Oneness Project, and their latest campaign about expanding identities.