Occupy is back! Not that it really went away… t’was just a mild hibernation over winter. Now, with Mother Nature being a little more hospitable, the uprising can switch back into high gear, louder and stronger than ever before!
To kick off this season’s social uprising, scores of protesters retook the famed Zuccotti park, aka Liberty Square, after which dozens were arrested. During the march up to the square, NYPD callously smashed a medics head into reinforced glass, breaking the glass and probably the medic’s skull (video above).
Something wonderful is happening everywhere on earth. A people’s uprising is taking place, fueled by millions and millions of people who’ve awakened to see that a better future is entirely possible. Once it reaches fruition, this global social revolution will culminate in a redistribution of wealth and power, essentially liberating humanity from the shackles that far too many of us don’t even know exist.
The medium for this reformation is the online realm, which may soon prove to be the missing ingredient for a lasting freedom on earth.
With the threat of an upheaval looming, the stage is set for a huge struggle for dominance between the bulk of humankind seeking to be free and the system and its leaders desperately clinging to power. Our world’s tiny yet powerful minority (along with their cronies) will do everything they can to prevent their house of cards from toppling.
This means crushing internet freedom using a range of attacks, enhancing the already well-entrenched all-seeing surveillance system, and expanding the increasingly militarized police state, the end goal of which is to trap humans into perpetual servitude by eliminating all means of revolution.
But we wont let that happen now will we?
As long as we can keep our precious internet uncensored, we’ll be able to leverage massive populist sentiment into real political clout. Instantly interconnected social media is fostering what is essentially a real democracy, one that hears all voices and not just those at the top. And when the system caters more to everyone, what we get is a more just global civilization.
The whims and wants of a handful of wealthy tyrants will prove no match for tens or hundreds of millions of engaged individuals working towards a shared goal.
We are, on some level, transcending nationalities and cultures, expanding our own personal identities to include ourselves amongst the global village. One beautiful and amazing side effect of this great awakening will be the eradication of wars. Major armed conflicts will all but evaporate once enough of us see them for what it they really are us fighting ourselves.
With each passing day, what is becoming more evident is that the only enemies left for us to fight are the violent extremists seeking to hurt society and the oligarchs seeking to enslave us, both of which our species will be better positioned to confront the more united and empowered we all become.
Many a fool have predicted the end of the world in 2012. But you know something? In a way they may be right. The world as we know it – a planet plagued by injustice, inequality, exploitation and corruption – is set to go away forever.
A storm has been brewing for centuries, and now in 2011 we’ve seen the forces finally boiling over. The Arab Spring. The Occupy movement. These unprecedented global solidarity movements show how humankind is starting to fight back against the inherent flaws of the system.
Or how about Verizon’s slick attempt to sneak in an additional $2 transaction fee. The public outcry from consumers was enough for Verizon to drop their ‘convenience’ tax, showing once again how corporations will actually listen to people when enough money is on the line.
Humankind is stepping up to the battle. Now, at least, we are beginning to stop the corporatist oligarchy from further stripping us of wealth and power. Soon enough, as the pendulum continues to swing in the favor of the people, we’ll go on to reclaim what has been systematically stolen from us for generations to usher in an increasingly just global civilization.
Boats will rock next year as over a million people worldwide are expected to take part in a protest set to bolster humankind’s uprising to new heights.
Jan 17, 2012 – marking the 4 month anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement – room will need to be cleared for 1,000,000 tents in Washington, and a further 100,000 in Tel Aviv, as a day of mass protest is being brought into motion.
With the world’s revolutionary spirit at an all time high, we can expect many more cities and countries to get on board over the coming weeks.
What has already been accomplished over the past 12 weeks is nothing short of remarkable. Like Redditor canijoinin says “Occupy IS effective. In a few months we have: removed millions from banks; put a spotlight on the police state we’re living in; and inspired 2 Congressmen to write Bills ending Corporate Personhood and The Fed. Fuck yeah guys!”
Not to mention a significant shift in the mainstream discourse, along with an establishment that has already exposed just how frightened it is.
So now that the gauntlet has been thrown down, how are you going to answer? Will you shirk your responsibility and hope that the same fools who got us into this mess will get us out, or will you stand up and let your voice be heard?
If camping out is too much to ask, consider joining a march for a few hours. All that is important is that you get involved and be counted. Embrace your destiny as co-creator of a more just civilization.
The zeitgeist is up in arms over Naomi Wolf’s latest article claiming the United States Department of Homeland Security – with congressional backing – helped coordinate a nationwide crackdown on the Occupy encampments. While the accusations seem somewhat tenuous, there is at least some corroborating evidence supporting the notion, meaning, in effect, the US Government has begun to openly wage war on their own population.
Naomi Wolf describes her discovery of Occupy’s agenda, something America’s information gathering agencies would have seen coming months ago:
The No 1 agenda item: get the money out of politics. Most often cited was legislation to blunt the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which lets boundless sums enter the campaign process.
No 2: reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore the Glass-Steagall Act – the Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. This law would correct the conditions for the recent crisis, as investment banks could not take risks for profit that create kale derivatives out of thin air, and wipe out the commercial and savings banks.
No 3 was the most clarifying: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors…. In recent years, members of Congress have started entering the system as members of the middle class (or upper middle class) – but they are leaving DC privy to vast personal wealth.
It is for these very reasons, argues the author, that Congress is engaging in violent militarized reactions against its own peaceful constituents. This leads Wolf to declare the start of civil war:
So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war; a civil war in which, for now, only one side is choosing violence. It is a battle in which members of Congress, with the collusion of the American president, sent violent, organised suppression against the people they are supposed to represent.
Sadly, Americans this week have come one step closer to being true brothers and sisters of the protesters in Tahrir Square. Like them, our own national leaders, who likely see their own personal wealth under threat from transparency and reform, are now making war upon us.
These Occupy protests do indeed represent a pressing danger to the powers that be. In fact, if the people’s uprising isn’t silenced soon, far too many Americans will realize they are living under a 2 party dictatorship that only serves a corporate sponsored plutocracy. And when that happens, the whole corrupt house of cards will come toppling down, freeing the way for a more just global civilization to emerge.
The Occupy movement is a leaderless collective demonstrating against overlapping grievances, with the majority of the people demanding some form of reform in government.
While there is no one goal or single concrete agenda for all to follow, many beautiful visions of a potential future are emerging, as evident by the following statement of principles arising from the Occupy Wall Street’s General Assembly:
We Envision:
A truly free, democratic, and just society;
where we, the people, come together and solve our problems by consensus;
where people are encouraged to take personal and collective responsibility and participate in decision making;
where we learn to live in harmony and embrace principles of toleration and respect for diversity and the differing views of others;
where we secure the civil and human rights of all from violation by tyrannical forces and unjust governments;
where political and economic institutions work to benefit all, not just the privileged few;
where we provide full and free education to everyone, not merely to get jobs but to grow and flourish as human beings;
where we value human needs over monetary gain, to ensure decent standards of living without which effective democracy is impossible;
where we work together to protect the global environment to ensure that future generations will have safe and clean air, water and food supplies, and will be able to enjoy the beauty and bounty of nature that past generations have enjoyed.
Wow. What an incredibly just global civilization we could have if every nation internalized these values into the heart of their constitutions.
Well, there’s no time like the present for seizing the day. Take action now! The better world we’re dreaming of won’t arrive without our help.