(That’s a pretty sweet logo, man, but have you ever looked at it… on weeeed?)
As a frequent reader of my blog, you must be an enlightened and educated mind who can tell when someone is blowing smoke. You’ll also know that, despite drug prohibition proving itself a complete failure, it remains institutionalized all the way up to the United Nations.
Hopefully this will soon change, thanks in part to awareness campaigns like the joint Global Initiative for Drug Policy Reform, which seeks to “promote health-oriented policies based upon scientific evidence and to reform the UN Drug Conventions.”
What a great initiative… go for the head of the war on drugs! Once the UN succumbs to rational thought, member nations won’t be mandated to enforce drug prohibition, and individual country’s can take sovereign actions once again.
It won’t be long until we finally condemn drug prohibition to a quirky part of human history, where future generations wonder ‘What the hell were they thinking?’.