Posts Tagged ‘strike’

Crashing America’s Military Drones

Friday, February 8th, 2013

3500 humans have been snuffed out since 2004 by unmanned US aircraft. Many of these were innocent civilians (children included) caught in the cross-hairs of a war machine run amok.

Even though Americans will not be made safer by manufacturing new generations of people to hate them, their government insists upon expanding the militarized drone program. They see it as the future of warfare – it’s faster, cheaper and offers less short-term risks than a boots on the ground war.

The US Defense Department doesn’t care that the program wont make Americans safer, for that’s not actually their objective. Instead, they work to protect their own job security, and the millions employed in their death-dealing business. Stir up the hornets nest, keep poking those bears. Anything to conjure up some fright-inducing yet easily subdued foes to scare up the US population. This way the billions and billions of taxpayer dollars keep rolling in while the war-profiteers can stay fat and happy atop the growing pile of bodies.

The ruling class of America don’t want any wars to stop, and drones offer a new frontier of ongoing bloodshed. Just watch the video above, as protesters expose the suffering inflicted upon fellow humans… the rest of the attendees kept their heads down, in silent shame.

You shouldn’t be able to just kill people with no due process – not on any just and civilized planet. They know it’s wrong, but they do it anyway. That’s why there is so much secrecy surrounding the drone program.

Were too many Americans to find out what their government is doing – engaging in long distance mass murder –  the outpourings of dissent might overcome the corrupting influence of an entrenched military industry. Then they will have no choice but to stop cease their crimes against humanity, and peace will gain a stronger foothold over our planet.

While this may be bad for those whose livelihoods depend upon ongoing conflicts, for the rest of us it will be awesome. So let’s keep working to make it happen. Be involved in the movement. Keep spreading awareness about the drone program and give support to others who do the same.

Wars have been on the decline for centuries. A few more years, with enough people involved, war as we know it will be done away with for good.

Why Aren’t Americans Ending War?

Sunday, January 20th, 2013

Americans spend trillions of dollars on warfare every single year. This is an absurd amount of money to spend on anything, let alone using it to blow up your fellow humans on an industrialized scale. With that kind of cash, you could end extreme poverty the world over, give every person a home and an education, and dramatically lift the tide which raises all ships.

Ask the average person in America, and they would tell you they want the fighting to stop. The barely-adult people sent overseas to kill or be killed would sure as shit rather be home with their families and friends. And the people in Yemen and Pakistan? I imagine they could stand fewer innocents being killed by drone assassination.

The financial costs are an incredible burden, and the emotional scars would take generations to heal even if war ended this very second. The longer these large scale conflicts get prolonged, the worse off our entire world is.

So why aren’t Americans ending war? If the US people, much like the rest of us, just want to live and prosper in peace, why don’t their politicians listen to them and give them what they want?

The sad truth is that they can’t.

The entire American system has, to the detriment of the world, fallen victim to what can only be described as a parasitic entity, a beast that has been around in one form or another for thousands of years.

Whether through anesthetizing concepts like pride and security, the unfettered power of wealth, or, when all else fails, brute force, the war machine of which I speak has been able to keep countless populations within their grasp – and right now their prey is the American public.

In the United States, mainstream newsanchors all dance around the issue ending war, and ‘radical’ concepts like bringing home the troops rarely arise. Politicians are no better, for they too are in the pockets of the military industry, as made evident by a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate who intentionally escalates wars around the world.

So even when the vast majority of Americans want peace, a political system which is mostly theatre combined with a deliberate lack of guidance from the media makes it hard for the anti-war movement to gain the momentum needed to make a significant impact.

But peace-loving Americans won’t stay down for much longer. They simply cannot. Fueled by a crumbling economy, driven by global awareness, and united by social media, a multi-million person strong movement will prove more powerful than the entire military industrial complex. Or so we shall hope.

The world is changing faster than even those who sit atop can control. Unprecedented technology is causing new concepts like transparency and global solidarity to crash down on our world. As the old guard falls away, a newfound democracy is sure to bring to fruition the civilization our species has been cultivating for eons.

United States Committing Mass Murder with Drones

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Identify a target based on spuriously gathered intelligence, and then blow them up. When people hear the explosion and come running to help, blow up the would-be rescuers. Then, over the next few days, should any funeral processions be held, blow all those people up too.

It sounds like the actions of some sadist playing a sims game, but it’s not. Unfortunately, these unconscionable tactics are being used right now by none other than the United States government in their clandestine war on humanity.

As Glenn Greenwald reports, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented that after the U.S. kills people with drones in Pakistan, it then targets for death those who show up at the scene to rescue the survivors and retrieve the bodies, as well as those who gather to mourn the dead at funerals. Classy, right?

The New York Times summarizes these findings, stating how: “at least 50 civilians had been killed in follow-up strikes after they rushed to help those hit by a drone-fired missile” while “more than 20 other civilians [were] killed in strikes on funerals.”

Unbelievable. No wonder the US establishment is so intent on keeping these wars quiet. If Americans (and much of the world) knew what was going on, there would be so much of an outcry it’d never be allowed to continue.

Fortunately for us (and equally unfortunate for the Military Industrial Complex) the human race is uniting like never before. Disgusting acts of terror, like the US’s use of drone strikes, will no longer stay hidden from the mainstream consciousness.

Soon enough of us will see these strikes for what they are – blatant acts of murder – and those deemed responsible will finally have their feet held to the fire.


It Has Happened! US Weaponizes Domestic Drones

Friday, May 25th, 2012

For many years the United States has been murdering foreigners using remote controlled aircraft. Yemen, Somalia, and Pakistan are just a few of the nations targeted by assassination robots sent by America’s clandestine war on the world.

Countless times, myself and others have warned Americans to stand up against the use of these murder-machines before they get used on the American people themselves.

Well, it’s too late. You didn’t listen. And now automated death-from-above has come home to United States soil. That’s right. Drones flying over the US will no longer just be for surveillance… they will now be weaponized.

At first they’ll just use tear gas and rubber bullets. But, as long as the American population remains relatively silent, the path will be cleared for lethal drones to hover overhead.

Bureaucrats and law enforcement given the authority to execute citizens with the push of a button. A chilling notion indeed. If this trend progresses unabated any longer, American’s may find themselves in a situation where protesting against the use of drone strikes becomes an offense punishable by drone strike.

May Day General Strike Tomorrow

Monday, April 30th, 2012

Just a reminder that the May Day general strike takes place tomorrow. No school, no work, no banking, no buying – all to protest the threat of corporatism and to show solidarity with the world’s migrant workers. Over 125 cities are involved, and there is a comprehensive directory if you are interesting in joining. (more…)

US-NATO Perpetrated Extensive War Crimes in Libya

Monday, January 23rd, 2012

The invasion of Libya and murder of Gaddafi has been touted by many as the future of warfare. Why use expensive invasions and occupations when you can just drop bombs from the safety of the sky?

Well, the war may be fought by-proxy with jets and remote controlled drones, but the same atrocities remain, even if they happen to be further out of sight. There is no such thing as a clean war.

Confirming this is an in-depth report released by several Middle East Human Rights groups, presenting extensive evidence of war crimes carried out in Libya by the United States and NATO. The coalition stands accused of targeting civilian sites, including schools, government buildings, food warehouses, and private homes.

The report also shows evidence of systematic murder, torture, expulsion and abuse of suspected Gaddafi loyalists by the NATO-backed “rebel” forces of the National Transitional Council (NTC). It describes the forced expulsion of the mostly black-skinned peoples and the ongoing persecution of sub-Saharan migrant workers by forces allied to the NTC and its transitional government.

Investigators also discovered evidence of savage and repeated beatings of prisoners held without trial or charges, the summary execution of pro-Gaddafi fighters, along with witness reports of “indiscriminate and retaliatory murders, including the ‘slaughter’ (i.e., throat slitting) of former combatants.”

What’s that you say? America and NATO shouldn’t be held liable for what the rebels were doing? Of course they should! US-NATO gave the rebels carte blanche, and are therefore just as culpable for the heinous acts committed under their wing.

The lie we were sold, and what the UN mandated, was an operation to protect civilians. But, as estimated by the NTC themselves, the war took 50,000 lives and injured another 50,000 people. And now, with escalating infighting between rival NTC factions, the door is open for full-scale civil war across Libya.

So much for improving security. The only thing US and NATO secured in Libya is control over its natural resources, which were divvied up long before Gaddafi was dragged out of a hole and shot.

Don’t be fooled again. The next time the United States or NATO want to ‘help’ some other nation for whatever cockamamie reason they come up with, rest assured that unspeakable atrocities will be committed for the true motive behind war – furthering corporate interests around the globe.

American Freedom Under Attack: Nationwide Strike Called

Friday, December 16th, 2011


A state of emergency has been declared for all freedom loving Americans across the nation. The republic is under attack!

Contrary to popular belief, the most pressing threat lies not with foreign extremists, but rather, from an equally radical homegrown form of tyranny. Like a disease, this danger has been quietly spreading within the very heart of the democratic system which entire armies have fought valiantly to protect.

What is it that stands to destroy the personal liberties and civil rights of every single US citizen? Fascist new legislation – SOPA and NDAA – which gives the US military the right to detain and torture American civilians on American soil without any trial, as well as permitting the US government to shutdown entire segments of the Internet at will.

Scary stuff. These are the kinds of laws power-hungry dictators dream about.

Why are US legislators working to pass such ludicrous bills? Here’s one reason: half of all Americans – that’s one in every two US citizens – are officially living in poverty. Stats like that will not go unanswered for long.

George Carlin says ‘they call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it’. Well, it seems the people are starting to wake up. And what they are seeing is making them mad enough to stir up a revolution.

Certain powers that be already know this, which is precisely why they are preparing the US government for a war against its own people.

This means the opportunity for delay has now ended. Standing on the precipice of a slippery slope, Americans must act quickly or risk losing the opportunity to ever speak out again.

Port Truckers Support Occupy’s Agenda

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

Mission accomplished yesterday as the Occupy movement successfully shut down three West Coast ports! Nice work… and the milestones will only get bigger from here on in.

Given that port workers will immediately feel the impact of the temporary disruption, one might wonder how they feel about the mass protests. So let’s hear what they have to say!

In a compelling open letter written on behalf of workers from the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Oakland, Seattle, Tacoma, New York and New Jersey, the elected commission had this to say:

We are inspired that a non-violent democratic movement that insists on basic economic fairness is capturing the hearts and minds of so many working people. Thank you “99 Percenters” for hearing our call for justice. We are humbled and overwhelmed by recent attention. Normally we are invisible.

The authors went on to explain their reasons for supporting a people’s uprising, stemming mostly from their own low pay and exploitative work conditions:

We love being behind the wheel. We are proud of the work we do to keep America’s economy moving. But we feel humiliated when we receive paychecks that suggest we work part time at a fast-food counter. Especially when we work an average of 60 or more hours a week, away from our families.

There are no restrooms for drivers. We keep empty bottles in our cabs. Plastic bags too. We feel like dogs. An Oakland driver was recently banned from the terminal because he was spied relieving himself behind a container. Neither the port, nor the terminal operators or anyone in the industry thinks it is their responsibility to provide humane and hygienic facilities for us. It is absolutely horrible for drivers who are women, who risk infection when they try to hold it until they can find a place to go.

The companies demand we cut corners to compete. It makes our roads less safe. When we try to blow the whistle about skipped inspections, faulty equipment, or falsified logs, then we are “starved out.” That means we are either fired outright, or more likely, we never get dispatched to haul a load again.

In closing, the port trucker’s reiterate how, at the very core of their problems lies the same motivation behind the entire occupy movement:

Nowadays greedy corporations are treated as “people” while the politicians they bankroll cast union members who try to improve their workplaces as “thugs.” But we believe in the power and potential behind a truly united 99%. We are fighting like mad to overcome our exploitation, so please, stick by us.

The world is finally awakening to see the position we have been pushed into, step by step, by an overbearing ruling class seeking to deepen their own pockets at the expense of the rest of the population. No more! The winds of change are blowing. Soon, the giant house of cards will come crashing down, and from the rubble will emerge a more just civilization.

NATO Gets Boot for Misplaced Bombs

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Once again NATO missiles have fallen way off mark. This time, instead of exploding innocent children, NATO slaughtered two dozen Pakistani border patrols.

In response, Pakistan has closed a vital supply line for US forces in Afghanistan, as well as ordered all NATO troops out of the Shamsi airbase – where the Americans reportedly control their remote killing machines.

This goes to show the ease with which soldiers are willing to unleash certain death. The process is so detached, so dehumanized, that enemies and allies and little kids all start to blur together, until it’s just black and white figures being rendered into smoldering body parts.

With bomb-laden UAVs becoming the latest in must-have weaponry, more and more innocents stand being accidentally executed by some bonehead keyboard warrior.

Relying on violence as a tool for peacebuilding is inherently flawed, which is why we need to unite as a species and rally against the military industrial complex. It is time for the whole world to see that war is going away for good!

US Drones Kill At Least 160 Pakistani Children – Report

Monday, August 15th, 2011

A damning report released this week from the UK’s Bureau of Investigative Journalism highlights another blight on America’s foreign policy. Since 2004, United States drone attacks over Pakistan have killed 2,292 people, including at least 160 children.

Ugh! That is so deplorable! How can anyone whose ‘side’ does something like that still feel like they’re the good guys?

How? Probably with some kind of rationalization techniques like this: ‘Mumble, mumble… gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet. Grumble, grumble… it’s the cost of our freedom.  Grumble, mumble… America, FUCK YEAH!

Well, probably not quite like that. But whatever mental and ethical tap dancing it takes for someone to somehow justify these deaths, you can be assured that it’s still being done right now.

Since President Obama has taken office, there has been 236 strikes on Pakistan. This means the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate is ultimately responsible for snuffing out Pakistani lives at the press of a button once every four days!

Good on the report’s authors for helping to blow the lid on this covert war. The more the world becomes aware of these ongoing atrocities, the sooner humankind will be able to move beyond this shameful period in our history.