Posts Tagged ‘truce’

Israel Up to Same Old Atrocities

Saturday, November 17th, 2012

One of the world’s leading human rights violators – the State of Israel – is in the headlines once again, positioning their military along the Gaza border while murdering innocent Palestinian civilians.

And yet again we see the blatant double-standards in Western media coverage: “Israel has a right to defend themselves from the Palestine aggressors who’ve been launching hundreds of rockets.” Every time we hear about Israel bombing Gaza, the reporter always – ALWAYS – frames it as if Israel is ‘reacting’ to Hamas’ attacks.

It’s as if history conveniently goes back just to the point when Israel ceased their last attacks and the Palestinians hadn’t.  Always neglecting to point out how one side are firing makeshift bottle-rockets in the general vicinity of their targets (Palestine), while the other side uses state-of-the-art weaponry from one of the world’s biggest arsenals (Israel).

But never mind the fact that this battle is egregiously one-sided. It would be nice if the media were to at least acknowledge fault on both sides of the conflict, but we don’t even get that. Every single time, Israel is the good guy simply protecting itself and Palestine is the evil terrorist destroying the peace and threatening the world.

Some of this is due to Israel’s powerful PR campaign which has infiltrated much of the Western world. They’ve bought our support. Somehow we see them as victims and their enemies as bad. As well, it’s likely that there’s some inherent anti-Muslim sentiment tied up in there as well.

Cenk from the Young Turks offers an excellent analysis of this hypocrisy in the video released yesterday. It’s a little long, but well worth watching, especially if you’ve never been exposed to the alternate viewpoint that maybe the State of Israel isn’t exactly worthy of our support:

The best point that Cenk makes – one which so often gets ignored by the press – is that Israel simply refuses to make peace. They stifle the Palestinian’s peaceful attempts at diplomacy through the UN. They are unwilling to accept truces and ceasefires. They do not want the conflict to end.

See, Israel’s true agenda is expansion. For 70 years now, Jewish settlers have been stealing Palestinian land. They bulldoze Palestinian homes, burn their crops, bully their children, and forcefully evict them under the pretence of religious destiny.

And only under the fog of war – by having armed men fighting – can Israel continue to rob their neighbours of land without too much opposition from the International community. If Palestine was recognized by the UN as a state, or if Hamas militants stopped their acts of defiance, Israel would no longer have the pretence they need to further their institutional genocide.

So here’s the sad truth: even if Hamas were to stop firing rockets, it really wouldn’t matter. Israel would simply send their own troops into Gaza, disguise them as Palestinians, and have them fire upon their fellow Israelis. That way their necessary war stays perpetual, and Isreal’s illegal and immoral agenda remains on the table.

This leaves the only practical path to peace as a global awareness campaign. Once enough of the world’s people see Israel for what it is – a warmongering bully – international pressure will continue to mount against them. Then, just like with Apartheid in Africa, Israel will have to stop their campaign of wholesale racism and death if they wish to remain part of the modern world.

Global Truce 2012

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Involved in the military? Para-military? Maybe your a mercenary. Well, whatever role you play in warfare, be sure to leave your calender open this fall as September 21, 2012 will be the first ever Day of Global Truce!

That’s right, for a full 24 hours, there is to be no senseless violence, no pointless bloodshed, and no fruitless squandering of treasure and lives. Instead, the whole world will lay down their arms, taking time to reflect on alternatives to perpetual war.

It may seem like a lofty goal, but it’s not without precedence. In 2008, the September 21 Peace Day caused a  70% reduction in violent incidents in Afghanistan.  In 2007, the 1-day ceasefire allowed humanitarian organizations to provide 1.4 million children with life-saving polio vaccinations.

When it comes to building a peaceful planet – something we’ve never had before – we cannot understate the importance of having dreams. Without brave souls envisioning a greater future along with the path to get there, we’d never even know what potentials await us.

So don’t be afraid to have hope. Dare to dream, and when you do, dream big!

Israel’s Response: Just Blow Them All Up

Friday, August 26th, 2011

Well, so much for the truce between Israel and Palestine. I guess it was kind of naive to expect it to last long, especially when the Israeli government benefits so much from the perpetuation of war.

Yesterday, Israel’s airstrikes killed 10 people and wounded 30 others, in response to rockets being launched from within Gaza. The rockets from the Gaza side were likely fired in response to Israel’s continued oppression and abuse of the Palestinian people.

Both sides are equally in the wrong, except for one glaring difference: The rockets originating from the Gaza strip were fired from extremist militants whose actions weren’t sanctioned by the government of Palestine. The airstrikes, on the other hand, came from Israel’s modern military arsenal with the full support of the Israeli government.

To think that bombing your enemies helps your cause is pretty asinine. It’s something that might be expected from uneducated fanatic ideologues, like some of the Gaza militants, but not from the government of one of the most advanced nations in the world.

Take the above video, for example. Israeli intelligence tracked down a militant organization living in the large residential complex. So what do they do – send in an elite commando unit to eliminate the threat? No… they just blow up the whole fucking place, full of men, women and children!

Now what kind of bullshit is that? Are these mass murders supposed to be bringing peace? How can any rational person look at these atrocities and not be outraged?

Then again, one could just as easily say the same for the Israeli side. Don’t they have the same right to feel the same way about being bombed?

Of course they do.

But these feelings – the same ones used by extremists to rationalize acts of terror – should not manifest themselves all the way up into the government. Governments should know better, and Israel is no exception.

Palestine/Israel/Egypt Truce Holding

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

After four days of violence along the Gaza border, tempers have been running hot. But, for which many people are grateful, cooler heads have prevailed and a truce has held up thus far.

With their greatest ally – the United States – spread thin militarily and struggling to delay bankruptcy, Israel is finding itself internationally isolated in one of the world’s most volatile regions.

And while Israel’s duet with America dwindles, Palestinians have been gaining a new protector – Egypt. After successfully overthrowing their government, the Egyptian people have pledged support for Palestine and offered stern warnings against any Israeli aggression.

Plus, ever since they killed several Egyptian police officers in a border clash this week, Israel has been uncharacteristically passive, standing down even with more rockets landing down upon them.

However it has arisen, this ceasefire is inspires much optimism.

Hopefully peace will continue to prevail between Israel and its neighbors, right up to the days when the bulk of our planet’s population has embraced a new global paradigm, seeing borders and religions as separations that exist only in our minds.