Leaked classified cables helped expose a regime’s blatant corruption, fueling the civil uprising that ultimately toppled the Tunisian oligarchy. Tunisia’s revolutionary tidings spilled over into other oppressed countries, including Egypt, where weeks of demonstration by millions of dissenters resulted in a dictator being ousted.
Along with giving us a window into the future, these monumental events also highlight the forces we’ve been unlocking as a species. New technologies and tools have been empowering us, and these newfound powers will be used to systematically remove injustice from our world.
See, much like with Tunisia or Egypt, our world also has its own corrupt ruling ‘family’ that hogs too much for themselves whilst leaving a good chunk of the planet to suffer. This imbalance has persisted pretty much since the dawn of human civilization, but it will soon change forever. Humankind is taking the power back, and the Internet is helping make it happen.
Recently created tools, like Twitter and Facebook, have been enhancing the world’s interconnectedness to unprecedented levels. With each passing moment, our species gains an entirely new degree of self-awareness.
In Tunisia and Egypt, this new self-awareness helped individuals see how many others share similar sentiments. Knowing that thousands or millions of other people feel the same way as we do can be truly inspiring and empowering. Plus, these same tools that bolster solidarity can also be used to channel a population’s discontent, giving us a way to coordinate unrest into practical actions with real results.
Just like in the Middle East, so too have the world’s people been harnessing social media and instant tools. From this, we will see how most of the world’s people are not that different from ourselves. We’ll learn how the vast majority of us share similar dreams, and we can actually co-exist without killing each other.
As well, the more we come together, the more we’ll be able to expose the injustice and corruption that persists anywhere on earth. Plus, more social cohesion means our collective voice can effectively counterbalance the influence of our planet’s dominant institutions, paving the way to a more just global civilization.
These events unfolding in the Arab world offer us a glimpse into the world we are fast making a reality. Within a decade or two, we will finally realize the end of institutionalized armed conflict. We’ll have the means to eradicate extreme poverty, and life on earth will reach a new pinnacle of awesomeness.
Much like with Tunisia, our world has a corrupt ruling ‘family’ that hogs too much for themselves while a good chunk of the planet is left to suffer. This injustice has persisted pretty much since the dawn of human civilization, but it will soon change forever:
A social revolution is happening all around the world, and the Internet is helping bring it to fruition.
As the likes of Twitter and Facebook (and their successors) increase the world’s interconnectedness to unprecedented levels, our species will gain an entirely new degree of self-awareness.
From this, we will see how most of the world’s people are not that different from ourselves. We’ll learn how the vast majority of us can co-exist without killing each other.
On top of this, thanks to freedom fighters like Wikileaks, the hypocrisy and corruption that permeates our world’s system will be dragged into the light. Injustice will have no where left to hide. No more will today’s extremes of wealth distribution be tolerated if it means millions of preventable deaths every year.
And, just like in Tunisia, we too have been harnessing social media and instant tools to organize and channel our discontent. Humankind’s collective voice will effectively counterbalance the influence of our planet’s dominant institutions, allowing us to manifest a more just global civilization.
Eradicating extreme poverty. Ending institutionalized armed conflict. The world we are already in the process of creating is sure to be AWESOME!