Posts Tagged ‘Tunisia’

Tunisians Take to the Polls

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Less than year ago, Tunisians shocked the world when their successful revolution helped spark the Arab Spring. Now, once again, Tunisia is a beacon of hope for the Arab World and beyond, as the fledgling democracy is set to have its first elections this Sunday.

For many Tunisians, this will be the first time casting a vote. For others, it will be the first time the ballots have more than one person to choose from. How exciting and empowering it must feel to be a young Tunisian right now, filled with hopes and dreams!

Other nations involved in the Arab Spring haven’t fared as well. The people of Egypt, who ousted their corrupt President not long after the Tunisians did, are still struggling to keep military tyrants from seizing control. In Yemen and Syria, protesters are continually butchered by government forces.

Were it not for the Tunisians’ story, one might be inclined to just shut up and endure the injustice. But, seeing how a populist uprising really can work, this should only inspire more repressed peoples from around the world to take up the same struggle for greater equality.

And this is precisely what needs to happen to ensure we reach this great civilization of peace and prosperity that awaits us all – billions of empowered minds from around the world rising up and uniting to make a better future a reality – something that will soon be upon us. Hooray!

Some Success Seen in Syria

Thursday, April 21st, 2011

It’s been over a month of brutal suppression, but protests in Syria are finally beginning to pay off.

Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian president, has appointed a new governor in the central city of Homs. More importantly,  Al-Assad also issued a decree ending nearly five decades of emergency rule, abolishing the secretive state security courts.

A third decree said citizens would be granted “the right to peacefully demonstrate” and noted that this is one of the “basic human rights guaranteed by the Syrian constitution”.

While these decrees are essentially lip service without way to enforce accountability with the security forces, they’re still a positive sign that one of the Middle East’s most authoritarian regimes is cracking under the pressure of people power.

Massive protests are expected tomorrow in more than 40 cities across Syria. Good luck, freedom fighters!

Tunisia and Egypt: Part of a Bigger Revolution

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

Leaked classified cables helped expose a regime’s blatant corruption, fueling the civil uprising that ultimately toppled the Tunisian oligarchy. Tunisia’s revolutionary tidings spilled over into other oppressed countries, including Egypt, where weeks of demonstration by millions of dissenters resulted in a dictator being ousted.

Along with giving us a window into the future, these monumental events also highlight the forces we’ve been unlocking as a species. New technologies and tools have been empowering us, and these newfound powers will be used to systematically remove injustice from our world.

See, much like with Tunisia or Egypt, our world also has its own corrupt ruling ‘family’ that hogs too much for themselves whilst leaving a good chunk of the planet to suffer. This imbalance has persisted pretty much since the dawn of human civilization, but it will soon change forever. Humankind is taking the power back, and the Internet is helping make it happen.

Recently created tools, like Twitter and Facebook, have been enhancing the world’s interconnectedness to unprecedented levels. With each passing moment, our species gains an entirely new degree of self-awareness.

In Tunisia and Egypt, this new self-awareness helped individuals see how many others share similar sentiments. Knowing that thousands or millions of other people feel the same way as we do can be truly inspiring and empowering. Plus, these same tools that bolster solidarity can also be used to channel a population’s discontent, giving us a way to coordinate unrest into practical actions with real results.

Just like in the Middle East, so too have the world’s people been harnessing social media and instant tools. From this, we will see how most of the world’s people are not that different from ourselves. We’ll learn how the vast majority of us share similar dreams, and we can actually co-exist without killing each other.

As well, the more we come together, the more we’ll be able to expose the injustice and corruption that persists anywhere on earth. Plus, more social cohesion means our collective voice can effectively counterbalance the influence of our planet’s dominant institutions, paving the way to a more just global civilization.

These events unfolding in the Arab world offer us a glimpse into the world we are fast making a reality. Within a decade or two, we will finally realize the end of institutionalized armed conflict. We’ll have the means to eradicate extreme poverty, and life on earth will reach a new pinnacle of awesomeness.

Much like with Tunisia, our world has a corrupt ruling ‘family’ that hogs too much for themselves while a good chunk of the planet is left to suffer. This injustice has persisted pretty much since the dawn of human civilization, but it will soon change forever:

A social revolution is happening all around the world, and the Internet is helping bring it to fruition.

As the likes of Twitter and Facebook (and their successors) increase the world’s interconnectedness to unprecedented levels, our species will gain an entirely new degree of self-awareness.

From this, we will see how most of the world’s people are not that different from ourselves. We’ll learn how the vast majority of us can co-exist without killing each other.

On top of this, thanks to freedom fighters like Wikileaks, the hypocrisy and corruption that permeates our world’s system will be dragged into the light. Injustice will have no where left to hide. No more will today’s extremes of wealth distribution be tolerated if it means millions of preventable deaths every year.

And, just like in Tunisia, we too have been harnessing social media and instant tools to organize and channel our discontent. Humankind’s collective voice will effectively counterbalance the influence of our planet’s dominant institutions, allowing us to manifest a more just global civilization.

Eradicating extreme poverty. Ending institutionalized armed conflict. The world we are already in the process of creating is sure to be AWESOME!

Mubarak Disappoints Millions of Egyptians, World

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

The millions of protesters gathered in Tahrir Square and around Egypt were expecting to hear their president deliver his resignation speech.

Instead, the people were delivered a patronizing speech reiterating Mubarak’s desire to pass power over to his Vice President.

This is not what the people wanted. Egyptians are demanding democracy and civil rights. Their regime has just offered to switch from one head puppet to another.

Massive protests were already planned for tomorrow. Given today’s unsatisfying events, a major uprising is likely. Here’s hoping democracy and a free human spirit prevail.

Demand More From the Establishment

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

(Dream with Me – Hamza Namira)

The revolutions taking place around the Arab world are a good thing for everyone on earth. These millions-strong demonstrations have caught the attention of our own leaders, and should have them thinking ‘What if that happens here?’

As if to lend support to this point, Kuwait’s Amir granted each of his citizens 1000 dinars (about $3500US) just 3 days after a Tunisian revolution successfully ousted the president.

Governments and regimes need to be kept in check. It is crucial to the well-being of a population to occasionally rise up and rattle the establishment, just to let them know we do have teeth and we’ll use them if necessary. The more we hold our leaders accountable to us, the better the system will serve our interests.

So demand more from the establishment. Look for a more just distribution of wealth. Cry out for open democracy. Let it be known that we want more transparency within the government. Ask for equal rights for every person on earth.

While we may not ultimately get everything we ask, we’re likely to get more by asking than if we just stay quiet. Plus, the louder our collective voice grows, the more our leaders will have to cater to our demands and help make our world a better place.

More Protests Inbound

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Oppressive oligarchies will continue to crumble as more countries have penciled in their own ‘Days of Anger’:

  • Syria Feb. 5
  • Algeria Feb 12
  • Bahrain on Feb 14
  • Libya Feb 30
  • Morocco Mar 13

Tunisia, Yemen, and Jordan have already seen some fruits from their demonstrations. As more countries’ corrupt regimes topple, fresh energy will be added the already volatile spirits of an oppressed people.

This is probably why Egypt’s Mubarak keeps hanging on, even though he’s been told by millions he should step down. He’s wants to quit. His billions are  surely safe offshore somewhere. Mubarak should just go already.

Despite his claims of staying to prevent the chaos that would erupt in his absence, Mubarak’s reluctance to retire likely stems the intense pressure coming from those who want to see the Egyptian civil uprisings get squashed. When Egypt falls, it will lean heavily into the impending domino effect, leading to a dramatic shift in the balance of power.

No longer will the people be afraid of the government. Now, governments will be held accountable to the people, and this is precisely what authoritarian regimes don’t want to happen.

Vive La Revolution Recapped

Saturday, January 29th, 2011

(Powerful video from out of Egypt)

If you want to know what all the Arab hubbub is about, the Tuscon Sentinel offers us a comprehensive analysis.

There’s a hot piece making its rounds by Pirate Party founder Rick Falkvinge iterating the integral role new Internet tools have in empowering entire populations:

The copyright industry has discovered it. Now Arab League dictatorships are discovering it. Tunisia has fallen. Egypt is burning. Yemen, Albania, Sudan, Algeria, and Syria are on the brink of catching fire, a crimson glow in the night. When people have access to networking, they will not accept repression.

Early reports of Egyptian agents working undercover to incite chaos have not been substantiated. However, considering the way agent provocateurs exist in supposedly free countries like Canada, such underhanded government tactics can surely be expected from Egypt’s corrupt regime.

The Revolution Will Be Blogged

Friday, January 28th, 2011

The  president of Egypt has fired his regime. There, that should appease the millions of discontent Egyptians. (<—- sarcasm)

Wikileaks released cables about Egypt. Another argument as to why Assange should release all the leaks to crowdsourcing – the world needs those documents and others like them.

Anonymous has been mass-faxing these leaked cables to fax machines all over Egypt, circumventing the nation’s Internet blackout. How uplifting it must be for the Egyptians to know how much the world supports their cause.

Jordan has added themselves to the list of nations actively working to oust their corrupt governments. Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Algeria, and Morocco being the others. Awesome stuff! Fight your freedoms, people!

Don’t wait for the revolution. Make it happen.

Thursday, January 27th, 2011

balance of power

First Tunisia, then Egypt. Now Yemen and Algeria with others on the way. Political, social and economic reform is in the air!

The thousands of demonstrators who’ve been taking to the streets are expressing a sentiment shared by millions of their fellow citizens: they are fed up with being mistreated by authority. Via this forced regime change, the activists are collectively pushing the balance of power towards the favor of the people. Under new governance, the populations in these revolutionary countries could potentially enjoy a higher quality of life.

See, within any population, there exists a struggle between the will of the people and the system they depend upon to maintain order. The further a population strays from a functioning democracy, the less the voice of the people gets reflected by the system. It is within this silence where injustices go unanswered.

The energy emanating from the Arab world should add fuel to a similar movement that has been brewing everywhere on earth. For far too long, humankind has been oppressed by a broken system that benefits our corrupt leaders to the detriment of the majority of humans. Having grown tired of this injustice, and becoming aware of alternatives, we are rising up as a species. Working together, we’re shifting the balance of the world’s power back into our hands.

It’s a good thing we’ve already begun this movement, since now is the only time left for revolution. Within a few years from now, civil uprisings like we see today will become much easier for the system to squash.

Consider, for example, the advent of robotic soldiers, which will be entirely feasible within 10 to 20 years. Right now, human combatants still have some sense of morality, and occasionally disobey orders. But robots follow command without question and can slaughter unlimited numbers of humans without remorse. A dictator with a small army of mechanized drones could effectively subdue entire populations.

Robotic overlords is but one scenario where technology can be used to control large groups of people, of which there are many. The threat of totalitarianism is real and growing, which is why it is so imperative we ignite our revolutions now.

Fortunately, as much as technology can be used to enslave us, so too can it be used to liberate us. We’ve been gaining invaluable tools in our revolutionary arsenal. Transparency-promoting sites like Wikileaks help expose corruption and can hold leaders accountable to their populations. On top of this, as tested in Tunisia, Twitter and Facebook can effectively channel a population’s dissent into highly mobilized action.

Our new technology, combined with the indomitable human spirit, gives us some real reasons to expect great things in our future. Today, populations from the middle east are rising up as one to oust their corrupt rulers. Over the coming years, the world’s people will follow suit, uniting to fundamentally alter the global system and forever shift the balance of power to benefit all of humankind.

Power to the people!

Update on Egypt

Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

The revolution is building in Egypt.

The Egyptian regime has outlawed any anti-government demonstrations and are trying to block internet access to social sites, like Facebook and Twitter.

Protesters and police have both been killed.

Hundreds have been arrested. One journalist had a dictaphone to record his being confined and corralled away along with dozens of other activists.

Regular civilians have been opening their Wifi access to the public, lending their support to the cause.

Even Egyptian police captains want regime change.

Here’s hoping the Egyptian establishment’s hired goons will not successfully silence this uprising.