Posts Tagged ‘york’

Occupation Interrupted

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011

We’re just a few weeks into the North American wing of the international populist movement towards a more just civilization, and already law enforcement is cracking down hard. Hundreds have been arrested in New York – ground zero for the Occupy demonstrations – and now Iowa and Boston can add their names to the growing list of victims of ham-handed security forces.

Silly police brass… don’t they know that arresting people can only add fuel to the fire? Heck, they’ve been gunning down and bombing dissenters in Syria and Yemen, and even that isn’t working. But jailing war veterans? Come on, that’s just begging for an uprising.

If their goal was to silence dissent, they could try what DC Police did, extending the demonstrator’s permit for another 4 months. But even that won’t work. These mass displays are showing no sign of fizzling out. There is too much to be angry about, too many reasons for the people to angrily reclaim their lost power.

No, this movement has only just begun, and no amount of suppression will stop us.


Man, what an exciting period in modern human history. Not since Wikileaks started Cablegate, or when Tunisia and Egypt erupted in successful revolution, have I felt this giddy. This is it! It is really happening. We are who we’ve been waiting for!

Occupy Everything!

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

With America’s invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and Israel’s continued expansion into Palestinian land, the term ‘occupation’ has been getting a bad rap. But now the term synonymous with war and oppression is fast becoming the rallying cry for a new North American uprising.

It started in New York, as hundreds of activists braved police brutality to Occupy Wall St. Now in their third week, support and publicity has never been greater, with new non-violent civil disobedience sprouting up all across the continent.

In fact, if you do a search for “occupy” plus the name of any major city, you are likely to get a hit. If not, there’s always the Occupy Together site for finding events close to you.

Not to be out-demonstrated by the general public , college students have a walkout planned for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 12 pm. Great to see the next generation of leaders getting involved!

Do you feel angst towards the ineffectual government? Sick of corporations making insane profits while you struggle to make ends meet? Tired of bankers and their schemes to rob trillions from the public?

Well, don’t suffer in silence anymore! Take to the streets and add your voice to the movement. Be an active part of the 99%. With so many protests popping up, it’s never been easier to exercise your democratic rights.