Stop Hating

There is too much hate in our world… it spreads like a disease through the social consciousness.   People see others acting with hateful intentions, and it only encourages them to express themselves in a similar fashion.

Stop the hating… nothing positive comes from it.

For one, time spend hating doesn’t do any good.  Hating is wasted time and energy.  It doesn’t help you achieve anything, other than reciprocating the hate that you’ve felt in your own life.  Take a stand against hate and see that you don’t pay it forward.

Look inside yourself for love.  Nurture love instead of feeding the troll of hate that lives inside you.  The more love you give out, the more you will get back.  And, the less hate you put out, the less you will get back, meaning the less hate you will have in your life.

Secondly, we are all extensions of the same whole.  Despite how it may seem at times from our human perspective, we are all interconnected.  We are all part of the phenomenon of life, all descendants of the same first cells, and we all share a common bond.   Hating others is the same as hating yourself… the hate that you put out only comes back to yourself.

tl:dnr – stop hating yourself and stop hating others

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