- World Peace is Coming! It will be here within 20 years.
- World peace is more than just a dream… it is firmly rooted in reality.
- Technology is advancing exponentially, bringing us cheaper, better tools sooner and sooner.
- 3-D printers will fabricate any tool – computers, machines, even more 3-D printers – from nothing but blueprints, energy, earth and air.
- Renewable energy, harnessed from the earth, wind and sun, will soon provide almost limitless power, for less $ than fossil fuels
- New technologies will help eliminate the harshest forms of poverty. Finding peace will be much easier when everyone’s basic needs are met.
- The Internet is a huge force for peace, bringing us together like never before.
- No longer will we fear other humans as enemies. We will embrace our common humanity, seeing ourselves as One People sharing One Planet
- The wealth of information the Internet provides can empower the mind of every single one of us.
- The Net is unleashing the power of global community, and peace will be amongst the improvements we make to our world.
- It is time to overcome the fear and the doubt. It is time to defeat the pessimism. Don’t fall for the doom and gloom anymore.
- We have rational reasons to have hope and believe in world peace.
Great things await us… be part of the revolution of optimism.
Follow World Peace is Coming on twitter @worldpeace2030
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Tags: 12, 3-d printer, coming, peace, renewable, technology, tweet, twitter, world