There’s a fascinating essay over at Wikileaks Central which, as the author, I can say with complete bias that its eloquence is matched only by its poignancy. Here’s a sample:
The specter of totalitarianism is looming. A cyber-backed authoritarian regime, arising from the collusion between government and other powerful institutions, forever protecting the interests of the few from the threat of a free human race. Yet the solution to prevent this dystopian future can be found where it has been all along: inside every person.
The surest way to keep out tyranny starts with a voice inside that says “I can make a difference. My voice counts. I matter!” Whatever it is that makes someone feel like this, is precisely what is needed in larger amounts. Anything that takes an individual from feeling helpless and afraid to feeling hopeful and engaged is what will ultimately set humankind free.
Head over to WL Central for the whole piece.
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Tags: democracy, empower, freedom, individual, internet, mob, power, wikileaks