Sue Terrorist Backers Today, War-Profiteers Tomorrow

Insurer Lloyd’s of London filed a suit this month seeking $215 million claiming that al Qaeda was directly funded by Saudi groups who, in turn, should cover the costs for insurance claims paid out.

The suit was withdrawn today, with speculation it will be refiled in a friendlier court. That, or maybe Lloyd’s bank account just gained a few zeroes.

Regardless of the outcome, it’s the precedent that is most fascinating. If you can hold someone accountable for funding terrorism, then someone might be held liable for the most costly form of terrorism ever inflicted on humankind – war!

Take, as an example, the fear and suffering caused by America’s policy of long distance murder – using remote controlled planes to bomb anyone deemed to be a threat. Right now, the thousands upon thousands of innocent deaths are simply being dismissed as casualties of war.

But get some evidence together – like ‘MADE IN THE USA’ on a piece of shrapnel embedded in some child’s brain – and you’ve got yourself a lawsuit!

All it will take is for one of these international death-dealing corporations, like Boeing or BAE, to be shaken down for a few billion of their war-profits. Then, no doubt, countless other ambitious litigators will set their sites on all of the world’s major arms dealing giants.

It will be glorious! Like a class action suit – the Military Industrial Complex vs. the Human Race – and the result will take away one of the financial incentives behind the drive to war.

Go on with your lawsuit, Lloyd’s of London. You may end up striking a major blow for the peace movement.

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