Posts Tagged ‘buddhist’
Something to Think About
Sunday, April 1st, 2012The World We Have
Friday, October 9th, 2009The World We Have, by Thich Nhat Hanh, gives us a Buddhist monk’s approach to peace and environmental issues.
This is an easy read, providing a refreshing message about the world in which we live. The author reminds us to practice mindfulness in all that we do, in our own lives as well as how we deal with our Mother Earth.
Hanh draws a parallel between our own body and the earth as a body. Trees are like our lungs, the sun is like our heart, the water like our blood. Poisoning our environment is the same as poisoning our own bodies, for the health of one impacts the other.
Writing of the interconnectedness of everything – all matter, energy and life -how we are all part of each other, means our very survival and well-being depends on the health of everything else and the world in which we live. Reminding ourselves of this will help us to appreciate what we have, and to consider all of life a blessing.
Another good point is that as we work towards improving the world, we must never neglect on our own mental and physical health. We should strive for peace within ourselves so that we can effectively spread this peace to the world around us.
So, let us take care of ourselves, and the beautiful, magnificent world in which we live.