Posts Tagged ‘cia’

Underwear Bomber 2.0 Thwarted

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

People afraid of virtually non-existent threats can breathe a sigh of relief today as the CIA foiled yet another underwear bombing plot. To the astute among us, this will beg the question: did the CIA simply intervene to stop the attack, or did they have a hand in its inception?

The original underwear bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, had significant help from the US government. They nixed attempts to have his travel VISA revoked. They ignored pleas from the man’s own father. The US government even helped Umar get past security checks to board the plane with a defective bomb.

This is far from the first time American Intelligence agencies have defeated their own terrorist straw men. In 2010, the FBI masterminded several terrorist attacks which they promptly prevented, claiming victory for the good guys.

Repeating this strategy with underwear bomber 2.0, the CIA had an insider who warned of the impending attack. More than likely this insider was the would-be bomber himself.

Here’s how it plays out: the US plants an operative to convince people he wants to blow up a plane. He then finds someone to build him a bomb, after which he turns it in to US authorities. And voila – the CIA has saved the day once again.

With that, they’ve justified their own existence. As well, the US government solidified the case to continue using illegal drone strikes across foreign lands. Bloated defense budgets and blatant crimes against humanity are sure to be bolstered by this.

Plus, the icing on the cake is that the TSA has one more dubious reason to take their already ludicrous screening procedures even further. Prepare to be violated, wayward travelers!

FBI Wants Access to EVERYTHING

Sunday, May 6th, 2012

CNET has learned that the FBI is quietly pushing a plan requiring social-networking Web sites, providers of VoIP, instant messaging services, and Web e-mail to alter their code and ensure their products are wiretap-friendly. These so-called ‘backdoors’ would become mandatory should amendments to the existing CALEA wiretap laws be allowed to pass.

Yeah, because that’s just what we need for more security: a secretive government agency with unfettered access into our private lives. (more…)

American Drones Create Living Hell

Sunday, November 6th, 2011

A 16 year old Pakistani youth – Tariq Aziz – attended an anti-drone meeting in Pakistan’s capital, Islamabad. The next day, he and his 12 year old cousin – Waheed Khan – were obliterated by a CIA drone strike while driving to pick up their aunt.

What an incredible torment it must be to face the persistent threat of remote controlled assassination! Always lurking, day and night, these foreign flying executioners delivering Hellfire missiles with almost zero accountability.

The situation has already spun out of control, and without a major resistance on the part of the people, the use of these dehumanized death bots will only continue to rise.

The choice is ours: rise up and eliminate this long distance murder now, or wait until the mere act of speaking out against drone strikes becomes an offense punishable by drone strikes.

NATO – Beheading Civilians and Supporting Jihadists?

Monday, September 12th, 2011

Libya’s Rebel Commander Abdel Hakim Belhaj – the one who led the Gaddafi-ousting coup in Tripoli –  has something of a questionable reputation. If he weren’t the head of the NATO-backed rebellion, he’d likely sit on one of America’s terrorist watch lists.

The former head of a jihad organization with ties to al Qaeda and the Taliban, Belhaj recently told the NY Times that he was tortured and imprisoned for 6 years by the CIA. Whoops! Well, no hard feelings, right?

Still, Belhaj’s bombshell pales compared to that dropped by Former US Congressman Walter Fauntroy, who claims to have witnessed NATO forces storming small villages late at night, beheading and butchering the residents in a campaign of fear.

These allegations surfaced yesterday, and the story has all but dematerialized, which makes it seem unfounded. Maybe Congressman Fauntroy is just getting his affairs in order before releasing the video he shot.

Now, don’t get me wrong here. I’m positive the vast majority filling the ranks of NATO – and the military in general – are very good people. But NATO is just another face of the Military Industrial Complex. And this makes it something to be mistrusted and heavily scrutinized.

Consistently, wars are sold to the public for one reason or another – to protect civilians, to defeat terrorists, to ensure freedom – but they always end up being about money and power.

See, there’s tons of money in manufacturing the tools of war, and there’s plenty more moola to rebuild nations, so that’s reason enough for some business people to want to stir up the pot.

But armed conflict goes deeper.

For one, multinational corporations get to divvy up the juicy resources from the vanquished nations. They can also use the opportunity to privatize anything useful from the public commons. On top of this, the successful invaders get to pick the new leaders, like this Belhaj goon, who could end up selling out their own people to foreign interests.

Hey! Here’s an idea! Why not open up the war machine to transparency?

If what the defense industry people are doing is so entirely just, then let everyone see what happens in a war zone. Show us how much it’s costing, and what is being done on a day to day basis. Film the atrocities, and see if the public can stomach what is being done in their name.

No? Can’t do it? Well then, the whole stinking thing is a RACKET!!!