Posts Tagged ‘corrupt’

Obama’s Broken Promises

Monday, June 27th, 2011

It’s got to be tough being President. Especially when your agenda of perpetuating the status quo strays so far from the platform of change that got you elected.

But it’s not Obama’s fault. He’s just one guy, and no matter how liberal he might be at heart, the game is rigged against him. The Left is consistently losing ground to the Right, because the Right tends to have the money needed to buy political clout.

The result is kind of like this cartoon:

The political system in the US, and to a greater extent the entire world, is structured to give people the illusion of choice, when the most important decisions are made in without consulting, or often in opposition to, the voice of the people.

So what hope is there? Well, if all the leading political parties are corrupted, then the solution lies outside the mainstream democratic channels. And what does this mean, exactly?

It means that the change we need will have to come from us, from the regular people. We can’t wait for elected officials to save us, because they’re already lost. It is up to you and me and everyone who wants a brighter future to do whatever it takes to make it happen.

And right now, it seems the establishment could use a good shaking up. It is time for elected officials to be held accountable, and for governments to maintain a healthy dose of fear-based respect for the general population.

Distraction Politics

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

I was planning to write another piece about how Democrats and Republicans both toe the same line for many key issues, be it armed conflict, pro-corporatist legislation, or a widening of the gap between the super-rich and everyone else.

The post would have highlighted how comparatively trivial issues, like same-sex marriage, illegal immigration, or Anthony Weiner’s penis, dominate the political sphere while actually significantly issues, like reforming Wall St. or slashing defense spending, remain mostly untouched by both politicians and the mainstream media alike.

But rather than write this piece, which I’m sure would have been timely and eloquent, I found the following picture which sums up what I’m trying to say quite nicely. So we’ll go with that instead:



The Global Financial Meltdown was an ‘Inside Job’

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

(The poster is certainly Oscar worthy.)

Warning: Charles Ferguson’s award winning documentary Inside Job may cause steam to shoot out your ears as your blood boils with the fury of a thousand suns.

Breaking down the inner workings of a trillion dollar scam, Ferguson’s film exposes the incestuous working relationship between the financial industry and the government.

On one side, lobbyists and politicians work diligently to deregulate the financial sector. Once they’ve enacted enough systemic changes, these corporate shills can walk straight into high-paying jobs with the very same companies their new laws benefited the most.

On the other side, big bankers and brokers use their new leeway to exploit barely comprehensible money-making methods, like derivative schemes. These high-risk leveraging techniques, only possible with loose oversight, can contribute to or even encourage an economy vulnerable to collapse.

Then, as we saw a few years ago, when the whole house of cards comes crashing down, the same people who caused the collapse can count on their political allies to fund billion dollar bailouts, all without addressing the underlying monetary policies.

What is happening is a crime. It’s robbery! They’ve bilked the world’s people out of trillions of dollars. The fact that not one of these corporate cronies has gone to jail shows just how institutionalized the corruption has become.

If you haven’t yet seen this provocative piece, consider adding Inside Job to your to-watch list. It’s just the kind of thing to make you want to demand more from the establishment and get involved in the global fight for freedom.

We cannot allow this exploitation to stand. It is time for us to collectively push back. Power to the people!