Posts Tagged ‘crowdsource’

Crowdsourcing Helps Form Iceland’s Consitution

Friday, August 19th, 2011

What do you get when you cross 25 regular Icelanders with hundreds of Internet users? Iceland’s new constitution!

After the island nation’s economic collapse in 2008, Iceland has seen a strong upsurge of social movements, many of which have called for a revamp of the aging constitution. But not just any rewrite will do – the process needs to be led by ordinary citizens – so that is exactly what they’ve been doing.

Iceland’s small population of 320,000 elected 25 assembly members from 522 ordinary candidates (including lawyers, political science professors, journalists, and many other professions), who in turn opened their process up to the public in an unprecedented fashion.

It’s amazing to see such a completely transparent process. Online users can easily follow early revisions of the constitution and instantly offer their feedback. So far, more than 1,600 propositions and comments have been received, all of which are given due consideration by the 25 Constitution drafters.

Good on them! Iceland is showing the world the power we’ve been unleashing with our emergent technology. It is only a matter of time until transparency and democracy aren’t just niceties to be optional from governance – they will actually be expected and demanded from all the world’s leaders.

Plus now the Icelandic people have a legitimate excuse to Tweet and Facebook all day – because they are trying to be founding fathers!

WikiLeaks to Take On Israel

Friday, December 24th, 2010

Awesome news: Wikileaks plans to release 4000 secret Israeli documents within the next 6 months!

Reiterating what we covered in yesterday’s post, people who reveal abuses by governments and other powerful groups are helping to create a more just civilization.

Considering how Israel has consistently violated international law and human rights for decades, these leaks are sure to help ease the plight of the Palestinian people.

As more embarrassing and damning information comes to light, the true face of Israeli Apartheid will be laid bare for the world to see. Then, paralleling the world’s struggle against Apartheid in South Africa, global political pressures will mount until these Israeli injustices ultimately cease. Viva Palestina!

In other whistle-blowing news, Wikileaks’s entire stash of cables has been leaked in Norway. To date, Wikileaks has only ‘slow-leaked’  a few thousand of the cables. Now, perhaps, the flood gates will be entirely opened.

We should be crowdsourcing these piles of classified documents. Open them all to the public, allow discussions and ratings for every one. Let the masses filter out the most relevant information faster and more effectively than the handful of individuals doing it now.

While such a move might be irresponsible for journalists to undertake, it would be a great thing for transparency and freedom of information. Power to the people!


Update: Thanks to rudetrooper for pointing out that the cables are already being collaboratively sorted on reddit – (and probably other places too)