Posts Tagged ‘ddos’

If this was only thousands, just imagine millions

Friday, December 10th, 2010

The initial backlash over CableGate seems to be waning, for now. With Wikileaks having released just a tiny fraction – less than one percent –  from the pile of classified cables, who knows what other skeletons will be unearthed or how the public will react.

Transparency is such a scary thing to the establishment. Well, to our current establishment, anyway.

See, so many wrongs of our world are allowed to persist because they can hide in the dark. Corruption and injustice don’t last long once exposed. And, as Wikileaks has shown us, we are gaining the means to shine a beacon into every corner of the status quo.

Take, for example, the distribution of wealth in our world. The cumulative wealth and power from our entire species is allowed to concentrate in the hands of so few at the top while the bottom 20% of the population is left to starve. Something as scandalous as this can only persist in the shadows. No one would stand for such a warped system were it brought under the global spotlight for all to see.

And this is just one (albeit a big one) of the injustices we are likely to abolish as our world becomes increasingly self-aware. The collective consciousness of the world’s people – the hivemind – is growing more and more in tune every day. As this happens, so too do we become more empowered as a species. Recent actions of Anonymous et. al only offer a glimpse of the real forces we are unleashing.

The Wikileaks cyberactivists number in the thousands. Imagine what will happen when there are millions of protesters acting in unison. And not just in cyberspace, either. In the real world, working like huge flash mobs, fighting injustice wherever it rears its ugly head.

Historically, when humans have worked collectively, we’ve been able to move mountains. Soon, as we coordinate our efforts on the global scale, we will be able to restructure the entire world.

Vive La Revolution!

Wikileaks Supporters Take Down Large Finance Webpages

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Last week, Wikileaks released over a quarter million classified US documents, with much initial fallout. Now, it seems, the drama continues.

Groups of internet activists are taking part in virtual protests, disabling the webpages of several large businesses, including Visa, Mastercard and PostFinance.  In what has been dubbed “Operation Payback”, thousands of individuals are digitally voicing their discontent to any company that ended support for Wikileaks.

Some have expressed fears that these latest efforts against financial institutions – which can result in million dollar losses – will give governments and regulators further license to crack down on Internet freedoms.

Of course these concerns are ludicrous. To not speak out against injustice would just enable further oppression. Whenever we see something wrong and don’t take action, our silence is consent.

Plus, governments and regulators have been trying to kill Internet freedom for years.

So keep up your support for Wikileaks. Give the establishment a taste of the world technology is unlocking for us. Let today’s giants see their influence dwarfed next to the power which arises when humans unite behind shared goals on a global scale. Show them who will be in charge in the years to come.

While the transition to a more united world is a gradual process that can take years, today’s events highlight how the great awakening has already begun. These really are pivotal moments we are seeing!