Posts Tagged ‘end’

Crashing America’s Military Drones

Friday, February 8th, 2013

3500 humans have been snuffed out since 2004 by unmanned US aircraft. Many of these were innocent civilians (children included) caught in the cross-hairs of a war machine run amok.

Even though Americans will not be made safer by manufacturing new generations of people to hate them, their government insists upon expanding the militarized drone program. They see it as the future of warfare – it’s faster, cheaper and offers less short-term risks than a boots on the ground war.

The US Defense Department doesn’t care that the program wont make Americans safer, for that’s not actually their objective. Instead, they work to protect their own job security, and the millions employed in their death-dealing business. Stir up the hornets nest, keep poking those bears. Anything to conjure up some fright-inducing yet easily subdued foes to scare up the US population. This way the billions and billions of taxpayer dollars keep rolling in while the war-profiteers can stay fat and happy atop the growing pile of bodies.

The ruling class of America don’t want any wars to stop, and drones offer a new frontier of ongoing bloodshed. Just watch the video above, as protesters expose the suffering inflicted upon fellow humans… the rest of the attendees kept their heads down, in silent shame.

You shouldn’t be able to just kill people with no due process – not on any just and civilized planet. They know it’s wrong, but they do it anyway. That’s why there is so much secrecy surrounding the drone program.

Were too many Americans to find out what their government is doing – engaging in long distance mass murder –  the outpourings of dissent might overcome the corrupting influence of an entrenched military industry. Then they will have no choice but to stop cease their crimes against humanity, and peace will gain a stronger foothold over our planet.

While this may be bad for those whose livelihoods depend upon ongoing conflicts, for the rest of us it will be awesome. So let’s keep working to make it happen. Be involved in the movement. Keep spreading awareness about the drone program and give support to others who do the same.

Wars have been on the decline for centuries. A few more years, with enough people involved, war as we know it will be done away with for good.

Doomsday Averted

Friday, December 21st, 2012

So it appears we wily humans managed to skirt disaster once again. Truly fortunate, seeing as how existing – as opposed to not – is pretty sweet.

For thousands of years humans have been predicting the end of the world. And you know what? None of them ever come true.

Well, it is a fact that all those people did eventually die. But life itself always finds a way to go on.

So even though at any given moment the world and every single one of us could be wiped out of existence in a flash – a reality of being alive as we know it – this persistent potential demise needn’t be feared.

Instead, embrace the impermanence of life so that every second alive is one cherished as precious. This way you’ll be ensured of getting the most out of your time here.

Drug Prohibition Sends Wrong Message to Kids

Thursday, November 17th, 2011

You may have noticed a rash of posts lately calling for the end of the global war on drugs. Well, they say write what you know, so here’s one more reason why we should end drug prohibition – because it sends mixed messages to our young people.

Consider the following:

Cannabis is an incredible medicine that helps patients physically, mentally and spiritually. Cannabis makes for an excellent recreational drug and is proven safer than alcohol or tobacco. Cannabis seeds make a super-nutritional food, and the stalk of the plant itself is one of the most versatile building blocks on earth, able to create all kinds of useful goods.

Yet this incredible plant, this godsend which could be a tremendous boon to human civilization, is vehemently persecuted and vilified worldwide thanks to laws that are entrenched all the way up to the United Nations.

So just what are educated young people supposed to think when they discover both of the above truths, which they inevitably will. Probably something like “If the grown-ups are hell-bent on sticking to something that is so obviously misguided, what else have they been getting wrong?”

If the goal is to protect children, why not start by making it so the system they grow up in isn’t overrun with draconian drug prohibition laws. Laws which have never – even after many decades and hundreds of billions of dollars invested – offered any shred of evidence that they are making the world a better place.

Let’s End Drug Prohibition Already

Friday, November 11th, 2011

Mexican drug cartels have been slaughtering bloggers and executing Internet users in a vain attempt to silence negative commentary on the Internet.

It’s like in the movie Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back where the pot-smoking duo track down and beat all the keyboard critics who left negative comments in an online forum.

Except this is happening in real life to real people and it’s not at all funny.

Underpinning the rise to power of the drug gangs and all the escalating violence witnessed over the past few decades are the lucrative profits to be made off of narcotics trafficking.

The US/Mexican drug trade runs upwards of 50 billion dollars annually. With that kind of scratch to be made, no penalty – not even death – is enough to deter society’s most unscrupulous folks.

And, since the whole business is illicit, the only recourse for settling disputes between rival drug factions is through violence.

It’s time to admit the war on drugs is a failure. The money we’ve been wasting on enforcing prohibition has only increased the price of illegal substances. This, in turn, ends up putting more money and power into the hands of criminals, who – as we can clearly see – have been raising their own private armies.

The only feasible solution is to end drug prohibition. This will pull the rug right out from under these corrupt and cruel criminal organizations, while saving us billions in squandered taxpayer dollars. On top of this, regulation and taxation of an non-inflated drug market will garner billions more in annual revenue.

Most people already know this, and the minority left supporting drug prohibition are fast waking up to reality. Get involved and make some noise. Let our politicians and policy makers hear us all say ‘Enough is Enough! We don’t want your stinkin’ drug war no more!’

End of Israel’s Atrocities?

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Later this month, it is expected that the United Nations will vote in Palestine as a new member nation, based on the 1967 borders. When this happens, Israel’s current occupation of Palestinian land will be officially illegal in the eyes of the international community.

In preparation, Israel’s military – the IDF – has been handing out tear gas and stun grenades to civilians, anticipating the coming demonstrations from the newly freed Palestinians. But what they should really be preparing for are the economic sanctions coming from the rest of the world in response to Israel’s decades long record of human rights violations.

For example, a recently leaked cable exposes the IDF’s willingness to use ‘harsh measures’ upon peaceful Palestinian protestors. Another story reveals how the State of Israel consistently tortures confessions from Palestinian children, as if that’s going to earn them any love from the world.

Sure, Israel still has the support of the US and its taxpayers, who, over the past 10 years, have subsidized every 5-person Israeli family the staggering sum of $200,000. And, of course, the US has been urging the UN to stall the upcoming vote, not that the UN intends on listening.

But the US is waning as the world’s superpower, and without their giant ally overseas to protect them, Israel is fast finding itself alone, surrounded by enemies while facing a huge upswell of dissension from within.

It won’t be long until the State of Israel has no choice but to capitulate to mounting pressure from the globe, forever ceasing their crimes against humanity. What a glorious day this will be for the world’s peace movement.

US Leaving Afghanistan

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

(“Exit strategy? I dunno… maybe try rocking it.”)

President Obama is expected to deliver a highly anticipated speech on the troop drawdown, where plans to withdraw 30,000 troops from Afghanistan will be announced.

Great! Way to earn that Nobel Peace prize, Barack.

The US has also begun negotiating a peace agreement with the Taliban for the first time.

Amazing! All it took was a bankrupt economy and hundreds of thousands of deaths, and the diplomatic process has neared the point it could have been at 10 years ago.

12 Hours Left: UN Petition to End War on Drugs

Wednesday, June 1st, 2011

Time is running out in the international anti-prohibition petition to the UN. If you one of the 500,000+ who’ve already voiced their support, what are you waiting for? Visit Avaaz right now!

Enforcing drug prohibition has proven itself to be far more costly to society than illicit drugs have ever been. It is time for the people of the world to stand together and bring the senseless war on drugs to an end.


Doomsday Tomorrow

Friday, May 20th, 2011

If you didn’t get the memo, the rapture has been scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday May 21st 2011. The end of days. Armageddon. So if you’re not busy, see if you can pencil it in.

Looking back on it all, we had a good run.

Of course, once Sunday rolls around and we wake up spouseless and houseless somewhere in Vegas, we’ll be reminded of just how ludicrous it is to try and anticipate the end.

Throughout history, humans have been predicting the apocalypse. And you know what? They’ve all been wrong.

Yes, it’s true. Humanity could be wiped out at any single instant in an infinite number of ways. Doomsday could very well come tomorrow.

But fear and doubt won’t stop this.

Nietzsche once wrote that to ponder the world’s suffering is to add to it, since we grow the pool of sorrows with our additional sadness. That is, if we aren’t going to do something to improve the world.

The same holds true for the end of the humankind. If you’re not going to do something to increase world stability, like combat global poverty or promote democracy, then there’s no point in worrying about the end of days.

Your senseless fear, doubt and pessimism only negates essential ingredients for a brighter future, like hope and optimism.

So don’t stress about the world coming to an end unless you intend to do something to stop it.

Peace March in Mexico

Monday, May 9th, 2011

Tens of thousands of Mexicans marched through the capital yesterday, urging an end to the bloodshed.  The rally signaled the end of a four day, 60 mile trek that started Thursday.

The outrage expressed by these brave demonstrators is certainly justified. Nearly 38,000 people have been killed in Mexico in the past four years, not to mention how unacceptably commonplace human rights violations have become.

You may look at these numbers and think it’s such a senseless shame, which it most definitely is. But even more tragic is the underlying cause of the majority of this violence – drug prohibition.

Fueling Mexico’s powerful criminal groups are the lucrative profits made from narcotics trafficking. Were prohibition to end, most of Mexico’s gangs would go belly up as their supply of dirty drug dollars dries up.

So, once again, an obvious solution emerges that would solve several deep rooted problems – end the war on drugs.

Most of us already know drug prohibition is an utter failure, but these draconian policies still remain. This isn’t because drug prohibition warrants any merit, but because the people’s anti-prohibition movement hasn’t gained enough steam.

Several industries – DEAs, jails, and drug-peddlers – will each continue to make billions of dollars a year as long as the war on drugs keeps running. Plus, many more industries – pharmaceuticals, tobacco, and alcohol – all stand to lose billions if illicit drugs were legalized.

With so many huge businesses involved, the war on drugs is set to continue forever. At least, until it gets forced to stop, and this will take collective action by millions of informed and engaged citizens.

So be sure to do your part. Get informed about the realities of drug prohibition, then become involved and speak your voice. It’s time this injustice came to an end.

Osama is Dead – End the War Now!

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

(The late Osama bin Laden pictured here doing his rendition of Seinfeld’s classic ‘Heil Hitler’ bit.)

Al Qaeda is just a term assigned to an unconnected movement populated by people who share the same discontent towards foreign imperialism, and Osama was just the figurehead.

But never mind that. He’s dead now. Osama bin Laden is dead!

The war on terror is officially over!

Now we can all pack up and march out of the Middle East as quickly as we marched in. Now we’re free to truly support the troops… and bring them home!