Posts Tagged ‘energy’

Feel Good Video

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Enjoy this touching clip showing a usually sedate elderly patient being sparked back to life with nothing more than some classic tunes.

“Because we are at war…”

Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

“We are at war.” “This is a war here.” “Our country is at war.”

How many times have we heard these words, most often uttered by someone trying and justify the unjustifiable, like sacrificing liberty for the illusion of security, or giving away inch after inch of precious power for the sake of the nation’s interests – not to be confused with our own interests.

If you’re like me, then you’re sick of hearing this wartime pretense being used to co-opt  both common sense and human rights alike.

We are at war… with who? Your only enemies are the ones you keep creating through your actions. Preemptive war only proliferates ideas of hate, and you can’t kill an idea no matter how hard you fight.

This is a war… no it isn’t! If you truly want to strike a critical blow against terror, stop terrorizing people. Quit believing that you are in a war. Withdraw from that mindset… then withdraw from the battlefields.

Awaken to our new world. It’s no longer about fighting religions, countries or cultures. The threats we do face, we face as a species. Cooperation, not infighting, is the way forward.

Oneness as a Path to Peace

Thursday, December 29th, 2011

By Guest Contributor Lexi Soulios

It used to be much easier for humans to see ourselves as independent, isolated, and separate. Now with modern technology like the Internet and recent scientific discoveries in the field of quantum physics, for example, it’s near impossible to live in the delusion that we are alone, unaffected by the plights and actions of others, or that our own behavior has no impact on the world around us.

For those of us who truly long for peace on earth, we need to begin actively living the realization of Oneness – of interconnection with everyone and everything – in our lives. This is the only way we can transcend the greed, violence and fear that arise naturally from the belief in separation and that have pervaded our planet.

We can start living the realization of Oneness by making it an absolute priority to cultivate peace in our own hearts and minds, to think and act in ways that increase the sense of love and harmony in our homes, families, communities and workplaces. This is so important because not only does it give us a stable base from which to interact with others, but when our own lives are peace-filled, we positively influence the vibrations of the larger world beyond us.

Additionally, if we truly want to create a peaceful existence on this planet, we must aim for peace beyond just our generation. We need to make a legacy of peace our goal, so that our political and economic systems are set up in such a way that peace will continue for our children, our grandchildren and beyond.

In order to do this, no one can be left behind. We are all connected. If the children of one country are starving, dying of preventable diseases and lacking basic education, there will be unrest in the minds and hearts of us all.

Lasting peace requires us all to stand together. It requires us to take responsibility for our own well being and our own capacity to feel compassion for others. Lasting peace requires us to expand our viewpoint from that of a separated, isolated individual to that of a beingness which is inextricably woven into the large, mysterious, glorious whole.


Lexi Soulios is outreach coordinator for the Universal Flag Peace Movement. The Universal Flag Peace Movement is based on the principle that an erroneous belief in separation is at the root of all violence and greed. When we remember that we are all connected, peace will naturally result.

The symbol of our movement is the Universal Flag. The organization strives to raise consciousness through media, social networking, education and various programs in order to help people remember Oneness for themselves. Learn more at:

Wind Power Undercuts Gas

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Humans have been careening towards an energy threshold, and it won’t be long until we hit it.

No, I’m not talking about peak oil, although a dwindling supply of the oily crude does play a factor. What I am talking about is the energy parity barrier – the point where renewable energy surpasses fossil fuels for cost and reliability.

The fact that this day will soon be upon us is no more evident than in Brazil, where wind farm operators outbid the competition, including natural gas, to win 78 of the 92 energy auctions.

This is just awesome to see! As long as these trends keep up, affordable energy solutions will soon be within reach for every single human on earth, dramatically raising standard of living across the world!

With our basic needs met, we’ll find it much easier to co-exist without all the senseless killing. We really are on the brink of world peace!

A Universe of Love

Thursday, August 11th, 2011

Like the Buddha says, “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Take time every day to consciously bless all the cells and organisms that make up your own personal ecosystem. Create your own atmosphere. Feel free to float above negativity no matter where it comes from.

Flood the universe with positive energy when you can. It will come back to you when you need it.

Solar Energy: Cheaper by the Day

Thursday, July 21st, 2011

San Antonio, Texas – When bids came in for a 50MW solar power plant, officials were so blown away by the attractive prices that they decided to scale the project up 8-fold to 400MW.


Why are San Antonio’s municipal affairs so exciting? Because it’s another sign that we’re on the verge of seeing renewable energy take over. No more fossil fuels for us. Green energy all the way, baby!

Now, when our world isn’t so dependent on fossil fuels, there will be one less reason to go to war. And we could certainly use less war in our world.

But affordable energy solutions, as transformative as they will be for us in developed nations, will have a far more profound effect on the world’s poorest.

The price will keep dropping and new developments will keep coming, so renewable energy solutions will be at the forefront of eradicating extreme poverty.

Similar to how much of the African continent skipped the whole phone-line infrastructure in lieu of cell phone towers, impoverished nations will be able to forgo a power grid to have households handle their own energy needs.

And with poverty being a root grievance that leads to violence, the less poverty we have in our world, the more peaceful our planet.

Awesome! =D

Meditation – Bless All of Existence

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

As we meditate, along with blessing ourselves and filling ourselves with positive energy and positive intention, we can also willfully spread our love, peace, and power to all of existence around us.

The connection to existence is not found outwards, in the universe, but inwards, from our center.  It is through our center, our core, our soul, which we connect directly through the rest of existence.

As we meditate and attain the sense of peace and reconnect with our cores, we can then radiate positive energy to all of existence.  We can transmit our gratitude, our love, joy, and everything that is great – to the world, to all life, and to everything that is.

Finding our core then expressing our love and gratitude allows these feelings to radiate through our lives, and outwards to the universe around us.  As we do this, the universe will become more loving… we will see more love in the world and in those around us in our day to day lives.

Meditation – Fill yourself with positive energy

Friday, November 13th, 2009

Meditation is an extremely powerful tool, for self-improvement, self-introspection, for shedding stress, and for attaining a sense of peace and oneness with the universe.  There are lots of different techniques and methods, and many various things to focus on.

One thing to try focusing on is to consciously bless your own body.  Consciously send positive intentions into yourself.  Make every single cell in your body – the trillions of cells which make up your physical self – happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful.  Make every single atom in your body happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful. Consciously will positive things into every ounce of your being, right now in the present, in the past, and in the future.

Along with the trillions of our own cells that make up our body, we are also host to trillions of organisms, which are part of a symbiotic relationship, our survivals are interdependent. As we meditate, we can conciously transmit positive energy to these foreign cells that are part of us.

This power, this energy you can will unto yourself will be there for you when you need it, for the times when life is challenging.  The positive intentions can be saved up, if you will, in your body, your cells and your atoms, to be released at a later time.

In the last blog entry, we discussed the importance dreaming big.  When we take the time to meditate and fill ourselves with positive energy, it is possible to channel that force into action as we move to attain our goals.

Stop Hating

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

There is too much hate in our world… it spreads like a disease through the social consciousness.   People see others acting with hateful intentions, and it only encourages them to express themselves in a similar fashion.

Stop the hating… nothing positive comes from it.

For one, time spend hating doesn’t do any good.  Hating is wasted time and energy.  It doesn’t help you achieve anything, other than reciprocating the hate that you’ve felt in your own life.  Take a stand against hate and see that you don’t pay it forward.

Look inside yourself for love.  Nurture love instead of feeding the troll of hate that lives inside you.  The more love you give out, the more you will get back.  And, the less hate you put out, the less you will get back, meaning the less hate you will have in your life.

Secondly, we are all extensions of the same whole.  Despite how it may seem at times from our human perspective, we are all interconnected.  We are all part of the phenomenon of life, all descendants of the same first cells, and we all share a common bond.   Hating others is the same as hating yourself… the hate that you put out only comes back to yourself.

tl:dnr – stop hating yourself and stop hating others