Posts Tagged ‘geist’

Canadian Gov: Give Police Sweeping Powers Or Else You Support Child Porn

Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Last week they condoned torture. This week, Canada’s Conservatives are saying protecting privacy is tantamount to promoting child pornography.

What an absurd remark! It shows just how desperate the pro-censorship side has become if they need to rely on this kind of polarizing rhetoric.

Thankfully, Canadians will not likely stand for these ludicrous and inaccurate blanket statements. Opposition is already mounting and petitions are being signed. If you want to contact your MP, it’s really easy find out how.

To learn more about these ‘Lawful Access’ bills, Law professor Michael Geist does a nice breakdown on his blog. As well, another of Geist’s posts worth reading shows how the government’s own documents do not support mandatory disclosure of subscriber information without a court order.

Not that the Conservatives care to listen to reason. If they do end up getting away with these bullying tactics, just be prepared for the day when we can either extend the Harper government’s term indefinitely or get accused of supporting Nazi terrorists.

Public Pressure Protects Canadian Internet

Friday, April 29th, 2011

One day, the net will bring our world together enough to redistribute power and usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. Until then, we must vehemently protect our free Internet from forces conspiring to restrict the flow of information.

Being vocal is one of the best ways to safeguard our precious Internet, as confirmed by a recently leaked cable which notes how Canada’s Conservative government delayed introducing copyright legislation in early 2008 due to public opposition.

The document states how then-Industry Minister Jim Prentice told U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins that cabinet colleagues and Conservative MPs were worried about getting public scorn by chasing copyright reform:

Our contacts downplayed the small – but increasingly vocal – public opposition to copyright reform led by University of Ottawa law professor Dr. Michael Geist.  On February 25, however, Industry Minister Prentice (please protect) admitted to the Ambassador that some Cabinet members and Conservative Members of Parliament – including MPs who won their ridings by slim margins – opposed tabling the copyright bill now because it might be used against them in the next federal election.  Prentice said the copyright bill had become a “political” issue.

See… this is what democracy looks like! Making noise, and lots of it. It’s about large groups of people, united and motivated by the same issue, rousing enough rabble to draw our politicians’ attention away from their high-paying special interests long enough to effect change.

We need to stay eternally vigilant in our struggle to keep the ugly stench of bureaucracy and corporate greed from destroying our beautiful Internet.