Posts Tagged ‘greenwald’

United States Committing Mass Murder with Drones

Tuesday, June 5th, 2012

Identify a target based on spuriously gathered intelligence, and then blow them up. When people hear the explosion and come running to help, blow up the would-be rescuers. Then, over the next few days, should any funeral processions be held, blow all those people up too.

It sounds like the actions of some sadist playing a sims game, but it’s not. Unfortunately, these unconscionable tactics are being used right now by none other than the United States government in their clandestine war on humanity.

As Glenn Greenwald reports, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented that after the U.S. kills people with drones in Pakistan, it then targets for death those who show up at the scene to rescue the survivors and retrieve the bodies, as well as those who gather to mourn the dead at funerals. Classy, right?

The New York Times summarizes these findings, stating how: “at least 50 civilians had been killed in follow-up strikes after they rushed to help those hit by a drone-fired missile” while “more than 20 other civilians [were] killed in strikes on funerals.”

Unbelievable. No wonder the US establishment is so intent on keeping these wars quiet. If Americans (and much of the world) knew what was going on, there would be so much of an outcry it’d never be allowed to continue.

Fortunately for us (and equally unfortunate for the Military Industrial Complex) the human race is uniting like never before. Disgusting acts of terror, like the US’s use of drone strikes, will no longer stay hidden from the mainstream consciousness.

Soon enough of us will see these strikes for what they are – blatant acts of murder – and those deemed responsible will finally have their feet held to the fire.


Greenwald on Never-Ending War

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Once again, champion of the people Glenn Greenwald has taken the fight to the powers that be, this time setting his sights on what is perhaps the greatest blight on our planet: the military industrial complex.

In a timely article on Salon, the former civil rights litigator begins his assessment by showing how the vastly expanded Security State – justified in the name of 9/11 – will not be going anywhere despite a recent announcement that the terrorist group Al-Qaeda has been defeated. This prompts Greenwald to sarcastically quip the following:

I’m sure we can all agree that we must endure years more of civil liberties assaults, endless war, bulging military budgets, suffocating government secrecy, a sprawling surveillance regime, and the slaughter of countless more Muslim children in order to save ourselves from [extremist threats]. And that’s to say nothing of the fact that endless war, drone attacks, occupying countries, and engineering regime change is precisely what causes and fuels these threats in the first place. In other words, what little Terrorism does exist is caused directly by our own actions — the very actions justified in the name of stopping Terrorism.

The author goes on to highlight the defining mentality of never-ending armed conflict, stating:

The key trick of Endless War is to permanently maintain two contradictory official premises: (1) we’re on the verge of Victory!; and (2) the threat is grave and we cannot let up. Without both of those premises, the citizenry will wonder why endless war is necessary or wise.

Finally Glenn, ever the teacher, offers further reading regarding the seemingly endless cycle of war:

There are four articles from yesterday that I highly recommend: (1) This, from The Atlantic‘s Conor Friedersdorf, about progressives who praise President Obama “as if his civil liberties abuses and executive power excesses never happened”; (2) this, from Eric Lewis in The New York Times, on the various ways Obama has shielded torture crimes from all accountability and the consequences of his doing so; (3) this, from The Guardian, on the latest emerging Obama foreign policy “success” to be soon celebrated by Democrats: his efforts to overturn the global ban on cluster bombs (which I wrote about a couple weeks ago here); and (4) this, from Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi, linking Endless War and the mentality it spawns to the UC-Davis pepper-spraying incident.

Greenwald’s frequent output of eloquent, poignant, and well-researched articles is nothing short of remarkable. Here’s hoping that Glenn Greenwald, much like Snoop Dogg, can “somehow, someway keep coming up with funky ass shit like every single day.”