Posts Tagged ‘happy’

Feel Good Video

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Enjoy this touching clip showing a usually sedate elderly patient being sparked back to life with nothing more than some classic tunes.

VIDEO: Don’t Worry. It’s Still New!

Friday, May 27th, 2011

No matter what you do or where you go, you are guaranteed to be doing something that you have never, ever done before.


Ever feel like you’re stuck doing the same thing over and over, maybe at work or in class or wherever?

Well, don’t, because no matter what you are doing, regardless of where you’re doing it, irrespective of how many times you’ve done it before, it is still new. At any given instant, you are gaurunteed to be doing something that you’ve never ever done before.

Here’s a few reasons why:

To start, just look at your body. You are constantly exchanging molecules with the environment around you, and the cells that make up your body are always dividing and forming new tissues, so you’re never quite the same person twice.

Now consider your mind, it is ever evolving as you age and grow wiser, and the thoughts you’re having at any point in time are always influenced by the world around you.

And the world around you, just like you, exists in a permanent state of transience. Life and non-life are both forever fluctuating, never arranging themselves the exact same way more than once.

On top of this, the earth is orbitting the sun at 30 kilometers per second, meaning you’ve come about 2300 clicks since you started watching this video, but thats only relative to the solar system.

Compared to the milky way, spaceship earth has just flown a whopping 18000kms in the past minute and a half, taking you to untraversed depths of space.

So that’s why your always doing something new, because for every single moment of your life, you are an entirely original version of yourself, and you are forever occupying a part of the universe where no human has ever been before.

As long as you can remember this, you’ll never be bored, and it might even help you to open mental doors of optimism that make anything possible.

Uplifting Infographic

Thursday, May 5th, 2011

Some lovely feel-good imagery for you:

(click to enlarge)

Living Luminaries

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Living Luminaries – On the Serious Business of Happiness is a 2007 film that follows one man’s quest to find happiness.  His journey brings him to many sages who offer their own interpretations of what happiness is and how to find it.  Overall, this is an excellent film, with some really practical advice.


A reoccurring theme is how unhappiness and suffering are due to us being self-centered.  The “I”, the ego, the self… attachment to this illusion is what causes suffering.  Relinquishing attachment, being free from the self, free from the ego, is what also frees us from suffering.

As we relinquish attachment, mentally rising from the physical realm into the spiritual realm, we can see ourselves and all others as part of the same whole, part of something beautiful, and how the self, the “I”, the ego… this is just an illusion we create in our own minds.

As well, we need to find what our own gifts to the world are, and then set on a journey to make them happen. To find out what our gifts are, to find out what we want to do in life, we need to listen.  We need to withdraw from the outside noise, and look inwards.  Every cell of our bodies have harmony and wisdom – we need to get in touch with it.  Be in the moment, be in the present, be in the now… as we do this, we will be in touch with the entire universe.

Ultimately, happiness is a decision.  Choose to be happy.  Happiness is a state of mind… a state of mind we can put ourselves into, whenever we choose.  Don’t attach happiness to the attainment of some goal to be found in the future, like, “when I get a million dollars, then I will be happy.”  No, be happy on the entire journey to getting the million dollars.  Be happy on the way.

Meditation – Fill yourself with positive energy

Friday, November 13th, 2009

Meditation is an extremely powerful tool, for self-improvement, self-introspection, for shedding stress, and for attaining a sense of peace and oneness with the universe.  There are lots of different techniques and methods, and many various things to focus on.

One thing to try focusing on is to consciously bless your own body.  Consciously send positive intentions into yourself.  Make every single cell in your body – the trillions of cells which make up your physical self – happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful.  Make every single atom in your body happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful. Consciously will positive things into every ounce of your being, right now in the present, in the past, and in the future.

Along with the trillions of our own cells that make up our body, we are also host to trillions of organisms, which are part of a symbiotic relationship, our survivals are interdependent. As we meditate, we can conciously transmit positive energy to these foreign cells that are part of us.

This power, this energy you can will unto yourself will be there for you when you need it, for the times when life is challenging.  The positive intentions can be saved up, if you will, in your body, your cells and your atoms, to be released at a later time.

In the last blog entry, we discussed the importance dreaming big.  When we take the time to meditate and fill ourselves with positive energy, it is possible to channel that force into action as we move to attain our goals.