Identify a target based on spuriously gathered intelligence, and then blow them up. When people hear the explosion and come running to help, blow up the would-be rescuers. Then, over the next few days, should any funeral processions be held, blow all those people up too.
It sounds like the actions of some sadist playing a sims game, but it’s not. Unfortunately, these unconscionable tactics are being used right now by none other than the United States government in their clandestine war on humanity.
As Glenn Greenwald reports, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism documented that after the U.S. kills people with drones in Pakistan, it then targets for death those who show up at the scene to rescue the survivors and retrieve the bodies, as well as those who gather to mourn the dead at funerals. Classy, right?
The New York Times summarizes these findings, stating how: “at least 50 civilians had been killed in follow-up strikes after they rushed to help those hit by a drone-fired missile” while “more than 20 other civilians [were] killed in strikes on funerals.”
Unbelievable. No wonder the US establishment is so intent on keeping these wars quiet. If Americans (and much of the world) knew what was going on, there would be so much of an outcry it’d never be allowed to continue.
Fortunately for us (and equally unfortunate for the Military Industrial Complex) the human race is uniting like never before. Disgusting acts of terror, like the US’s use of drone strikes, will no longer stay hidden from the mainstream consciousness.
Soon enough of us will see these strikes for what they are – blatant acts of murder – and those deemed responsible will finally have their feet held to the fire.