Posts Tagged ‘meditation’
Something to Think About
Sunday, April 1st, 2012Inspirational Imagery of the Day
Sunday, September 11th, 2011Look! It’s an elephant enjoying a waterfall. How beautiful is that?
She’s living in the moment – something many of us don’t do often enough. Just relishing the wonderful splendor that surrounds us. Simply appreciating how there is so much beauty everywhere, in every thing.
It is awesome to be alive. Existence rules!
Peace in the Heart
Thursday, December 16th, 2010If there is to be peace in the world,
There must be peace in the nations.
If there is to be peace in the nations,
There must be peace in the cities.
If there is to be peace in the cities,
There must be peace between neighbors.
If there is to be peace between neighbors,
There must be peace in the home.
If there is to be peace in the home,
There must be peace in the heart.
— Lao-Tse
As the great philosopher says, inner peace is a crucial part to world peace. The more peace that our planet’s people find within themselves, the more peace will manifest itself throughout our world.
Inner peace is not some elusive state attainable only on secluded mountaintops. Inner peace can be found within each of us, if we simply put some time towards finding it.
By setting aside a period of time everyday – maybe just a few minutes, maybe half an hour – we can use these moments to experience silence. The longer we spend, the quieter our mind and thoughts will become, until peace permeates all aspects of our lives.
Granted, in today’s instant and interconnected world of unending entertainment and distractions, finding a few minutes to sit still and do nothing won’t always seem practical, but the payoff is well worth it.
Seeking inner peace can mean less stress, fewer fears, more success, and better overall health.
As well, the more peace we bring into our lives, the more we automatically contribute to an increase in world peace.
Meditation – Bless All of Existence
Thursday, November 19th, 2009As we meditate, along with blessing ourselves and filling ourselves with positive energy and positive intention, we can also willfully spread our love, peace, and power to all of existence around us.
The connection to existence is not found outwards, in the universe, but inwards, from our center. It is through our center, our core, our soul, which we connect directly through the rest of existence.
As we meditate and attain the sense of peace and reconnect with our cores, we can then radiate positive energy to all of existence. We can transmit our gratitude, our love, joy, and everything that is great – to the world, to all life, and to everything that is.
Finding our core then expressing our love and gratitude allows these feelings to radiate through our lives, and outwards to the universe around us. As we do this, the universe will become more loving… we will see more love in the world and in those around us in our day to day lives.
Meditation – Fill yourself with positive energy
Friday, November 13th, 2009Meditation is an extremely powerful tool, for self-improvement, self-introspection, for shedding stress, and for attaining a sense of peace and oneness with the universe. There are lots of different techniques and methods, and many various things to focus on.
One thing to try focusing on is to consciously bless your own body. Consciously send positive intentions into yourself. Make every single cell in your body – the trillions of cells which make up your physical self – happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful. Make every single atom in your body happy, healthy, peaceful and powerful. Consciously will positive things into every ounce of your being, right now in the present, in the past, and in the future.
Along with the trillions of our own cells that make up our body, we are also host to trillions of organisms, which are part of a symbiotic relationship, our survivals are interdependent. As we meditate, we can conciously transmit positive energy to these foreign cells that are part of us.
This power, this energy you can will unto yourself will be there for you when you need it, for the times when life is challenging. The positive intentions can be saved up, if you will, in your body, your cells and your atoms, to be released at a later time.
In the last blog entry, we discussed the importance dreaming big. When we take the time to meditate and fill ourselves with positive energy, it is possible to channel that force into action as we move to attain our goals.