Tired of being gouged by those ridiculous transaction fees? Sick of seeing the big banks getting bailed out while you get sold out? Feel it’s time to shake up the establishment a bit?
Well, if you answered yes to these questions, then you should do what tens of thousands of others have already done and move all of your savings out of your bank and into a local credit union.
In fact, considering how today (November 5th) is Bank Transfer Day, there’s no better time than right now to be the change our world needs.
Over 4.5 Billion dollars has already been moved into credit unions since September, which is nothing to scoff at. But, with the movement against big banks in its infancy, the real abandonment of Corporate Financial is still to come.
Once again, we see the real power of social media and the Internet. Here is one person with one idea who found a medium to share it with others. The idea resonated so well that it sparked a movement with billion dollar implications.
This adds further support to my belief that we are on the brink of a drastically improved planet. Now that we have proven means to coordinate the undercurrents of discontent into practical and positive real-world results, it’s only a matter of time.
Just imagine, in a few years when engaged and empowered minds answer the call to action, not in the hundreds of thousands, but in hundreds of millions – the world’s system will have no choice but to bend to the will of the people.
And what we want is a more just, more equal civilization where the powerful cannot freely exploit the powerless and people take priority over profits.