Posts Tagged ‘revolution’

World Peace is Coming – 2015 Update

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015

World Peace can be defined as the end of institutionally organized armed conflict. This will happen when the governments and corporations currently responsible for unleashing war upon our world are forced to stop.

The idea that world peace is not only possible, that peace is in fact sitting right on our doorstep, may seen like a fanciful dream. But it is only a dream because we haven’t made it happen yet. Not because it is impossible and not because it is beyond the limits of human potential.

Sure, it will take a movement of millions upon millions of people like you and me from all around the world, coming together as a combined force. But together we can and will make it happen.

We can rival the trillion dollar empire that is the military industrial complex. We can overcome the thousands and thousands of years of baggage and damage caused by warfare. We have the power to manifest peace on earth as soon as we choose to.

It starts with our own governments, by letting them know that the use of military force is never an option except as a last resort. No longer will we let other innocent humans be treated as enemies, no matter their nationality, religion, culture or color.

Instead, our leaders need to be urged to exercise proven methodologies, like humanitarian aid and cooperation. By building up impoverished nations and strengthening war-torn communities from within, we attack desperation and extremism at its source. And this is ultimately the surest way to disrupt the cycle of violence.

On top of that, we need to strip out the billions in annual profits reaped by the businesses of war. 100% tax on all proceeds from weapons manufacturing. Fines and levies against these industries which perpetuate bloodshed. Class action suits against those who arm the armies, holding them accountable for the suffering they enable.


Yes, it is an uphill battle. So why even try?

For starters, this is an issue that effects you personally. You, your loved ones, your friends and everyone you know stand to reap the benefits of living in a world without warfare… a world of security and prosperity.

On top of that, with medical science moving forward as fast as it is, we are on the brink of being able to extend our lives indefinitely, letting us live as long as we choose. We will be able to witness our species expand to explore the universe.

All that and more can be ours as long as we don’t let the war-mongers screw it up for us. And if that isn’t reason enough for you to make peace a reality, then what is?

Revolution Everywhere

Monday, January 27th, 2014

Mass upheavals have been toppling corrupt rulers all over the world, proving that we the people still have the ultimate power. Unfortunately, whenever the glorious revolution does occur, all too often one evil tyrant will fall only to make way for the next.

What we’ve been missing is a key piece to the puzzle: how do we roll out a functioning democracy over top of an old, broken establishment. Lucky for us, this key to unlocking lasting democracy around the world is in the process of being made right now.

This tool, still embryonic, will be an open-source, upgradable system of people, mechanisms, technology and software that will constantly glean consensus from entire populations to develop better policies and rules of governance. so that we can hold our elected officials to the utmost accountability.

How exactly will this work? That is yet to come, but it will work with the instantaneousness of twitter, the self-governance of forums like reddit, the connectivity of Facebook, while being imbued with selflessness like Wikipedia. Politicians will know what their electorates want, and the people will be involved, knowing their voices are being heard, and watching their leaders respond accordingly.

This democracy-in-a-box will be something that can be implemented anywhere, for any size population – so that when the people rise up against injustice, instead of repeating the old cycle of inevitable hypocrisy, they have this system which can be put into effect and live forever free of tyranny.

It will take a group effort to make this happen, as it will really be a monumental accomplishment to create something of this magnitude. But it’s entirely possible and in many ways has already begun.

Africa: From Food Scarcity to Surplus

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

When we in the West think of sub-Saharan African, images of drought ridden crops and large, starving families can often spring to mind. Yet, contrary to our many misconceptions, Africa is set to become a key producer helping to feed our starving planet. (more…)

Worth Watching: Uprising 2012

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

Here’s the best call to action I’ve seen in a while: Uprising 2012 by the Freedom Information Network.

For a video like this to have a dramatic effect on the population it would have to be seen by millions and millions of people, like Kony 2012.

Still, humans are fast approaching a state ready for this to happen. Maybe not quite yet, but it won’t be long.

In less than 5 to 10 years, the world’s social consciousness will be prepped for radical ideas to sweep through, fostering upheavals to the status quo, enabling a wide-spread redistribution of power and a reposition of priorities.

When humanity awakens as a species, nothing will ever hold us back again.

An Uprising is Imminent

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

Something wonderful is happening everywhere on earth. A people’s uprising is taking place, fueled by millions and millions of people who’ve awakened to see that a better future is entirely possible. Once it reaches fruition, this global social revolution will culminate in a redistribution of wealth and power, essentially liberating humanity from the shackles that far too many of us don’t even know exist.

The medium for this reformation is the online realm, which may soon prove to be the missing ingredient for a lasting freedom on earth.

With the threat of an upheaval looming, the stage is set for a huge struggle for dominance between the bulk of humankind seeking to be free and the system and its leaders desperately clinging to power. Our world’s tiny yet powerful minority (along with their cronies) will do everything they can to prevent their house of cards from toppling.

This means crushing internet freedom using a range of attacks, enhancing the already well-entrenched all-seeing surveillance system, and expanding the increasingly militarized police state, the end goal of which is to trap humans into perpetual servitude by eliminating all means of revolution.

But we wont let that happen now will we?

As long as we can keep our precious internet uncensored, we’ll be able to leverage massive populist sentiment into real political clout. Instantly interconnected social media is fostering what is essentially a real democracy, one that hears all voices and not just those at the top. And when the system caters more to everyone, what we get is a more just global civilization.

The whims and wants of a handful of wealthy tyrants will prove no match for tens or hundreds of millions of engaged individuals working towards a shared goal.

We are, on some level, transcending nationalities and cultures, expanding our own personal identities to include ourselves amongst the global village. One beautiful and amazing side effect of this great awakening will be the eradication of wars. Major armed conflicts will all but evaporate once enough of us see them for what it they really are us fighting ourselves.

With each passing day, what is becoming more evident is that the only enemies left for us to fight are the violent extremists seeking to hurt society and the oligarchs seeking to enslave us, both of which our species will be better positioned to confront the more united and empowered we all become.

How Far Away is World Peace?

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Organized armed conflict has been a thorn in our side for so long it seems like we’re more inclined to limp around with the pain rather than plucking it out entirely. So ingrained is the institution of war that to even discuss the idea of peace can really bring out the pessimist in all of us.

But when we consider the amazing potential of the human spirit combined with the incredible rate at which humankind is progressing, could it be that world peace is sitting right on our doorstep and we don’t even know it? Forget waiting centuries! Maybe the lofty goal of ending all of earth’s major conflicts is doable within the decade.

Read the rest of this post over at the Universal Peace Flag’s community blog.

A Resolution for Revolution

Sunday, January 1st, 2012

The above illustration seems fitting given the festive nature of New Years, but the commentary it portrays is profoundly accurate.

Not only do they control most of the wealth, the super-rich have seen their incomes double and triple during periods where everyone else has grown poorer.

This means that if you and your family aren’t considered millionaires, you have been – and continue to be – screwed over by the system.

The only recourse is for you, along with tens of millions of people just like you, to go out and find ways to reclaim democracy – something that won’t happen at the ballot boxes. Taking the power back will happen in the streets, on the Internet, and in the pocketbooks of the world’s wealthiest entities.

The longer we wait, the harder our struggle becomes. Let’s make right now the time for action, because right now IS the time for action.

Ramping Up the Revolution for 2012

Saturday, December 31st, 2011

Many a fool have predicted the end of the world in 2012. But you know something? In a way they may be right. The world as we know it – a planet plagued by injustice, inequality, exploitation and corruption – is set to go away forever.

A storm has been brewing for centuries, and now in 2011 we’ve seen the forces finally boiling over. The Arab Spring. The Occupy movement. These unprecedented global solidarity movements show how humankind is starting to fight back against the inherent flaws of the system.

And this is just the beginning.

Consider the ongoing SOPA battle, where millions of people have come together in consolidated protest against Internet censorship. Domain registrar GoDaddy felt the real financial repercussions for going against what the public wants, so much so that other prominent corporations, like Nintendo, EA, and Sony, have all quietly dropped their own support for SOPA.

Or how about Verizon’s slick attempt to sneak in an additional $2 transaction fee. The public outcry from consumers was enough for Verizon to drop their ‘convenience’ tax, showing once again how corporations will actually listen to people when enough money is on the line.

Humankind is stepping up to the battle. Now, at least, we are beginning to stop the corporatist oligarchy from further stripping us of wealth and power. Soon enough, as the pendulum continues to swing in the favor of the people, we’ll go on to reclaim what has been systematically stolen from us for generations to usher in an increasingly just global civilization.

Here’s to even more glorious revolution in 2012!

The Revolution Hits Russia

Sunday, December 11th, 2011

Well, it’s official. The great awakening – the process by which the world’s people will come together as one to reclaim control of the planet – has successfully touched down in the great Mother Russia. Fifty thousand people were out in the streets protesting, and this only the starting point.

In honor of the Russian people embracing their roles as co-creators of an emerging global village, here’s a tribute to their impressive 140% voter turnout. Na Zdorovie, comrades!


US Gov’t Declares Civil War on Population – Naomi Wolf

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

The zeitgeist is up in arms over Naomi Wolf’s latest article claiming the United States Department of Homeland Security – with congressional backing – helped coordinate a nationwide crackdown on the Occupy encampments. While the accusations seem somewhat tenuous, there is at least some corroborating evidence supporting the notion, meaning, in effect, the US Government has begun to openly wage war on their own population.

Naomi Wolf describes her discovery of Occupy’s agenda, something America’s information gathering agencies would have seen coming months ago:

The No 1 agenda item: get the money out of politics. Most often cited was legislation to blunt the effect of the Citizens United ruling, which lets boundless sums enter the campaign process.

No 2: reform the banking system to prevent fraud and manipulation, with the most frequent item being to restore the Glass-Steagall Act – the Depression-era law, done away with by President Clinton, that separates investment banks from commercial banks. This law would correct the conditions for the recent crisis, as investment banks could not take risks for profit that create kale derivatives out of thin air, and wipe out the commercial and savings banks.

No 3 was the most clarifying: draft laws against the little-known loophole that currently allows members of Congress to pass legislation affecting Delaware-based corporations in which they themselves are investors…. In recent years, members of Congress have started entering the system as members of the middle class (or upper middle class) – but they are leaving DC privy to vast personal wealth.

It is for these very reasons, argues the author, that Congress is engaging in violent militarized reactions against its own peaceful constituents. This leads Wolf to declare the start of civil war:

So, when you connect the dots, properly understood, what happened this week is the first battle in a civil war; a civil war in which, for now, only one side is choosing violence. It is a battle in which members of Congress, with the collusion of the American president, sent violent, organised suppression against the people they are supposed to represent.

Sadly, Americans this week have come one step closer to being true brothers and sisters of the protesters in Tahrir Square. Like them, our own national leaders, who likely see their own personal wealth under threat from transparency and reform, are now making war upon us.

These Occupy protests do indeed represent a pressing danger to the powers that be. In fact, if the people’s uprising isn’t silenced soon, far too many Americans will realize they are living under a 2 party dictatorship that only serves a corporate sponsored plutocracy. And when that happens, the whole corrupt house of cards will come toppling down, freeing the way for a more just global civilization to emerge.

Or so we can hope.