First up comes some piercing insights à la Joe Rogan et. al in one of the best Occupy compilations yet:
Next we enjoy the musical styling of crooner Frank Sinatra, sharing his classic tune ‘New York, New York’, accompanied by the striking visuals of people being struck by police in Zuccotti park last night.
Finally, a video from yours truly, made more than 5 years ago. (Yikes! What the hell was I smoking?) Well, the medium might lack but the message is pretty solid: if we want to do away with extreme poverty a great place to start is with extreme wealth.
UFC color commentator, stand-up comedian and former Fear Factor host Joe Rogan has never shied away from sharing his opinion with anyone who will listen. In the video above, we hear several of Joe’s sound clips overlayed with visuals to create a scathing portrayal of America’s Military Industrial Complex.
UFC Commentator, Comedian and all-around cool guy Joe Rogan is being reminded of an important notion most of us in the Internet community know all too well:
Joe, being so well-versed with the Internet, should have known better. But we all make mistakes.
Perhaps what is most frustrating is how this guy Tomas Rios, while a noted journalist, is still so obviously a troll. Even Joe knew this when he called the guy a “round ball of suck” who only writes “negative, cunty shit.” Now, because of a morsel Joe just tossed him, this troll can grow into an even bigger monster.
Responding to the uproar, Joe, to his credit, makes some awesome points. Like how there is so much negativity throughout the news media and so few credible journalists.
Or how there are these magic words, like “faggot” and “nigger”, that are taboo and if you use them you have to apologize to an entire community. But, just as Joe said, these words have lost most of their stigma. This is doubly true to anyone in touch with the Internet where they are used as generic insults all the time.
Worst of all, Joe stated how his intention was to cut this “asshole… off at the root”. Now, most informed netizens will know that trolls (and assholes) only feed off negativity to grow stronger, which is why Mr. Rogan should have just left it alone.
No matter how well intentioned we are and regardless of how tempting it can be to respond to trollbaggery, please try to ignore it and focus on something positive and productive instead.