Posts Tagged ‘television’

Pick ‘n Choose Channels

Sunday, April 15th, 2012

When you go into a restaurant, you aren’t usually forced to order the buffet. When buying music, you’re given the choice to get just a single track instead of the entire album. While shopping for clothes, you can buy a shirt without having to buy socks you won’t ever wear.

Yet when you order television in Canada (outside of Quebec), you have to take entire packages just to get the stations you really want. There is no pick and choose option that lets you fine tune your cable line up to meet your specific demands. (more…)

Internet Outage: 2.5 days in

Saturday, May 7th, 2011

Oh, man. How did we ever get along before the Internet?

I’ve resorted to watching some kind of electronic picture & sound box which predominantly shows advertisements interspersed with trace amounts of intelligible content.

And to stay apprised of world events, would you believe I was reading some news site’s hard copy version… on paper? Take that, old growth forest! Too bad the updates were far from instant, not to mention how the warped perspective from the evident bias made it hard to get a clear picture of what’s really going on out there.

At least the end is in sight. The part I need is just a couple hours drive away. Now if only I could do a search for the number to a nearby courier. Ugh!