Syrians: Stifled, Suffering and in Need of our Support

(Apart from the fact that their government really sucks, the Syrian people are very much like us, and they need our voice.)

Bloodshed in Syria shows no signs of ceasing, as protesters continue to clash with government security forces. Over 750 civilians are reported dead, and over 9000 have been arrested since demonstrations began on March 18th.

Syria is renowned for having one of the most brutally oppressive regimes in the Middle East. These tyrants don’t care about their people, and will have no issues continuing to slaughter them mercilessly for as long as it takes to remain in power.

While Syria’s dictators are unlikely to cave from pressure coming within their borders, they are liable to buckle from pressure mounting around the world.

This puts the onus on us.  Petition your elected officials. Spread the word, speak out. Keep Syria at the forefront of the social consciousness. Let it be known the world will not tolerate such injustice.


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